[Pure Evil] Nyarlathotep

Burst - Oversized Dark DMG / Activates Abi 3

Abi 1 - All enemies RST lowered / Applies Fear [6TCD, 180 sec / 3T]
Fear is a debuff that increases damage receieved depending on how many debuffs are active.
Abi 2 - All element attribute ATK/DEF resist down to all enemies [7T CD, 180 sec]
Applies a total of 12 abnormalities to all enemies, 6 of each attribute ATK/DEF resist debuff
Abi 3 - Applies Paralyze, Flame Binding, Restraint, Confusion, Pressure and Blindness to all enemies [5TCD, 1-2TD]
These are all debuffs that stop enemy from attacking (or make them miss.)

[Consumed 1 by 1 after using the 3rd Ability and are reset when Burst is activated.]

Assist 1 - Increased Affliction Rate [Maximum]
Assist 2 - ATK / Combo Rate UP depending on number of enemy abnormalities.