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  1. #1
    It would be better to farm Ultimate raids because you also get regalia+fragments, and a chance for Assault SRs. You want to fill out your whole weapon grid with assaults. Regalia are for soul weapons which you will eventually need. Eidolon orbs should not be your priority, but instead a bonus addition when you are farming the 2 things I've mentioned. Also, it might be worth farming other elements, because who knows if you'll eventually get the best himes for said off-element. You'd need multiple himes for multiple elements for tower events. Make sure however, you are focusing on one element first which in your case is Light. Spend 50-60% of your resources on Light, and the rest split between all other elements so they will be relevant when needed.

    Also, a tip to getting extra eidolon orbs would be, sell your event eidolons, mainly the elemental lilims. Those are horrible. Very low stats at max(hp+atk), requires 3 elements in main team, meaning the first 4 hime+soul, and usually nobody wants to choose them as support eidolons. That means you will end up getting even fewer gems everyday. Level a copy to 40, get the scene, and trash them.
    As for non-lilim eidolons. If you already have a MLB eidolon of the same element(with Elemental ATK↑ and NOT Characters' ATK↑), unless you need the "stats" you could sell them too. Only time you'd keep is if you are unsure if their special effects are worth keeping, or you need them for stats. For example, let's say you already have an MLB Light Eidolon(Barong). You get Nandi and Light-Lilim from event... Nandi gives 2622 total power, Lilim only gives 1992. Keep Nandi for stats, trash Lilim for orbs. Only lilim ever worth considering keeping is the Phantom Lilim, just because you probably don't have any Phantom Himes... although you'd still want to trash her for orbs.
    But you are likely going to be keeping event Eidolons for a while until you start finding the need to replace them for said element.

    None of the past eidolons are worth it, except for Tiamat who has very high stats and her summon effect gives a barrier. You can place her in sub-eidolon slot for non-water team. You don't need to rush grabbing other eidolons from the shop because future events will give you eidolons that are sufficient enough. You want to hold off spending eidolon orbs on off-elements until you get a decent hime team-comp and high enough assault level in your grid.

    For draconic eye shards, you get the most from Union Events. So make sure you join an Union that is reasonably active.

    tl;dr Get in an Union, run all Ultimate Raids for assault weapons+regalia, orbs are a "bonus" not a priority focus, SELL ALL LILIMS after getting their scene.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by kyc992 View Post
    Also, a tip to getting extra eidolon orbs would be, sell your event eidolons, mainly the elemental lilims. Those are horrible. Very low stats at max(hp+atk), --
    For a new player, Lilims are decent stat-sticks. After getting 5 other MLB SSR Eidolons from events, probably yeah.
    Quote Originally Posted by kyc992 View Post
    None of the past eidolons are worth it, except for Tiamat--
    Oh, then what exactly is a new player going to use for other elements? Diabolos? Or the SRs from Shop (Melusine and friends)?

    Don't ignore the other Eidolons. They are there so that you can get your basics set if you started the game after those events.

  3. #3
    Sorry I wasn't clear in my post, was typing that on and off for around 40 minutes while having lunch, doing burst time, watching the market, and attending an online meeting all at once. So let me redeem myself by explaining better this time.

    In response to OP's "I need orbs for past event eidolons as well... My first event was Nandi, and did manage to MLB her as well as Thunder Lilim and Fleurety, but they all suck for a light team, which is what I have.". I assume Light team is his main focus, and he is planning on focusing on one element instead of a big spread which is good. He has Nandi, Fleurey, and T. Lilim as sub-eidolons which he can already use for stat-sticks. So in terms of stat-sticks from past events, Tiamat should be his main focus. She has the highest stats from orb shop, and her barrier is useful so grabbing her essentially covers 3 advantages. 1) Stat stick, 2) A useful barrier that won't be replaced anytime soon, and 3) A main eidolon for water.

    With Vritra event coming up next, although having a Thunder team and eidolon would give him an easy time, he probably has already spent a lot more resources on his Light team which due to the time limit could essentially mean rushing resources into a Thunder team now might not provide him better results compared to continued investment in his Light team. This would negate the immediate need for grabbing a past-event Thunder hime. With the addition of Vritra to his eidolon grid, he would now have 6 Eidolons at MLB. That also reduces the need for grabbing other past-element Eidolons. If anything, getting Andramelech before Tiamat could also be a good option considering having a fire team would greatly benefit him for the next tower. She is also a decently strong stat-stick that would allow OP to replace T. Lilim once he gets both.

    The reason other eidolons are not as worth considering, is because he might not have enough time to invest in a Thunder team to make it worthwhile for Vritra Reprint, or he might not have the need to use elements such as wind/water/dark for other events. He should however, save up the orbs for when he needs a specific element. A mistake I made which he should avoid, is trying to get Eidolons of every element without considering whether or not he needs it. Not sure if you remember, but I did waste quite a bit of orbs for getting multiple LB1-2 eidolons of different elements, getting everything at an equal "spread" and end up not needing more than half of them. Either because it was a team I almost never ran, or I ended up getting better Eidolons(MLB Crom Crotch at +57 is the dumbest thing I could've done). I would have benefited more if I did not spend orbs for LB1 Icarus and LB2 Jack O'Lantern "when I did not need them at the time" because that delayed me getting my Tiamat(still 1 copy from MLB) or Amaru which would have given me a better Thunder Eidolon for the previous tower.

    So what I meant to say was not that the eidolons are not worth it, but that it is better to save up on orbs for when he does need one instead of rushing.

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    Thank you all for the detailed responses! The analyses are very helpful. A few follow-up questions:

    1. If I am understanding things correctly then, those weapons that cost 15 draconic eyes per copy are just, um, whale-bait? It will take me about 2 years to LB3 them at this rate...

    2. Consensus is that UE is the main source of draconic eye shards. Are we talking about ultimate ranking rewards here? 'cos the last UE only dropped 2 from non-ranked rewards. Don't you need to be in a top union to get those? I contribute a lot in my union (solo-ed up to lvl 51 ult in the last UE, which got us to a rank that dropped two shards) but I am not competitive enough/have enough time/have flexible enough schedule to play when everyone else is playing to go to like 700+ ult...
    2a. Slightly off-topic, but how do people get such high scores at UE?! If I did my math right, lvl 700+ is well over 80 mil hp and 35,000+ in damage/hit. Our union was rejoicing that we got to 350 ult kills, for the entire event, not in a single day...

    3. Draconic eye weapons is a no-go, so what do I to get stronger other than waiting for event weapons/eidolons? For reference, my light grid is Joan's elemental atk soul weapon (LB0, regalia is hard to farm), the two Nandi SSR weapons (both LB3), Sol's gun (LB1) Nandi assualt SR weapon (LB3), the rest all disaster SR hammer (all LB3). Slvl on all weapons are 20 except for like 3 hammers and Sol's gun, which are around 11-14. The next light event is a raid in May that gives bow with elaborate/defender, not a great weapon for my team if I am not mistaken (I do not have SSR Artemis, my light team is Sol, Light Tsukuyomi, Tishtrya and Michael, SR Forseti and SR Artemis as subs.) I was thinking of:
    3a. Orichalcon shop weapons, although despite having what I think is a very solid light team, I can only clear GO stage 4, always lose the final boss battle >.< That is netting me just 1 orichalcon every 2 weeks...
    3b. Get pink bricks from tower events and LB-up my hime SSR weapon (Light Tsukuyomi's bow is defender/assault and pretty good stats, atk at 1200+ at lb0.) I don't think I have a deep enough roster of hime to do well in tower yet (got to like 6th floor last time, and took me like 3 keys to clear it 'cos knowing nothing about tower events, I fielded my best teams on the lower floors...)

    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    Oh, then what exactly is a new player going to use for other elements? Diabolos? Or the SRs from Shop (Melusine and friends)?
    Actually, that is pretty much what I am using for non-light elements... Which is why I have been fielding my light team for every event so far, even though I have decent himes in other elements, too - my light team hits harder even without the elemental advantage...

    Quote Originally Posted by kyc992 View Post
    With Vritra event coming up next, although having a Thunder team and eidolon would give him an easy time, he probably has already spent a lot more resources on his Light team which due to the time limit could essentially mean rushing resources into a Thunder team now might not provide him better results compared to continued investment in his Light team. This would negate the immediate need for grabbing a past-event Thunder hime. With the addition of Vritra to his eidolon grid, he would now have 6 Eidolons at MLB.
    That is dead-on. I actually started with wind ('cos Cybele was my best hime for quite a while), switched to dark (pulled Pluto from gacha), then after I mtix Sol ('cos I had no healers on my dark team, and I read that Sol is versatile and can work with any elements and what not), in the same week pulled Sol (again), Tish, LT and Hecatonshire (can't spell her name), so I guess the game REALLY wanted me to main light. Mtix Michael after that and poured everything into light ever since. For Vritra event, I plan to field my light team again. We did get LB3 SSR gun and LB2 SSR lance in the last thunder UE, but my thunder himes are a mess. I do have Brahma, but none of my thunder SRs seem to be good at buffing/debuffing to complement her raw power, and my best thunder eidolon is the SR from main quest, LB0. I cleared AQ3 and can clear AQ4 if I get a 100% eidolon support, so I am hoping Vritra won't be too much trouble for my light team (Nandi was a real pain for me, back then I was only strong enough to farm expert and not ultimate.)

    Quote Originally Posted by kyc992 View Post
    If anything, getting Andramelech before Tiamat could also be a good option considering having a fire team would greatly benefit him for the next tower. She is also a decently strong stat-stick that would allow OP to replace T. Lilim once he gets both.
    Gah, I neglected that the next tower needs a fire team! Thank you for the reminder!

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    1. The dragon eyes are MOSTLY for whales, yes, but if you've played for a while (and in a decent union) it's often quite possible to save up for 1, and use bricks from towers to LB them. It's a lot of time and work, but if you want to push your main team to the next level, that's one way to do it (assuming the dragon eye weapon in question is good and worthwhile).

    2. Yes, most of the eye shard rewards are from ranking rewards. If you're an active player try joining a slightly better union, it doesn't have to be top 5 (those require way too much grinding), but top 30-50 is very possible due to the low active player count. Trying to carry a union by yourself when you're not very strong just isn't a good idea.
    2a. It's done using paratrains, while strong players can certainly solo up to 400 or so, the scaling becomes pretty insane beyond that, and the boss will just casually 1-shot all your himes if you let them attack at all. So you don't.

    3. You just keep grinding away while waiting for the next event to come along. KH is a long term game, you can't really rush it unless you're spending. Use the time to work on some side teams just in case RNG decides that you can make them useful someday. Prepare fire for the wind tower... then wind for the thunder tower 2 months after... etc.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    1. If I am understanding things correctly then, those weapons that cost 15 draconic eyes per copy are just, um, whale-bait? It will take me about 2 years to LB3 them at this rate...
    Draconic eyes should be saved up for Hime Awakening. Only when you have a huge excess of them would you ever consider those weapons, so that means you either whaled, or have seriously bad luck to not get any Himes that can be awakened. In the case that you can grab a draconic eye weapon, you don't MLB them by buying duplicates, but by using bricks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    2a. Slightly off-topic, but how do people get such high scores at UE?! If I did my math right, lvl 700+ is well over 80 mil hp and 35,000+ in damage/hit. Our union was rejoicing that we got to 350 ult kills, for the entire event, not in a single day...
    They paralyze spam the boss while working as a team to prevent anyone from being hit. That means other spending time on damage, they don't worry about being hit. Also, it might be time to change Unions. As long as you are doing 3m iPP every union event, getting into one of the 50 top unions shouldn't be an issue. But in the case you don't want to switch Unions maybe due to how closely knit your union is, you could organize with them on how to efficiently push rank. Spend first few days farming grails, barely spending them. Use all 400 on the day you guys planned on pushing, and if possible have someone focus on paralyzing while others join him to help dps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    3. Draconic eye weapons is a no-go, so what do I to get stronger other than waiting for event weapons/eidolons? For reference, my light grid is Joan's elemental atk soul weapon (LB0, regalia is hard to farm), the two Nandi SSR weapons (both LB3), Sol's gun (LB1) Nandi assualt SR weapon (LB3), the rest all disaster SR hammer (all LB3). Slvl on all weapons are 20 except for like 3 hammers and Sol's gun, which are around 11-14. The next light event is a raid in May that gives bow with elaborate/defender, not a great weapon for my team if I am not mistaken (I do not have SSR Artemis, my light team is Sol, Light Tsukuyomi, Tishtrya and Michael, SR Forseti and SR Artemis as subs.) I was thinking of:
    3a. Orichalcon shop weapons, although despite having what I think is a very solid light team, I can only clear GO stage 4, always lose the final boss battle >.< That is netting me just 1 orichalcon every 2 weeks...
    3b. Get pink bricks from tower events and LB-up my hime SSR weapon (Light Tsukuyomi's bow is defender/assault and pretty good stats, atk at 1200+ at lb0.) I don't think I have a deep enough roster of hime to do well in tower yet (got to like 6th floor last time, and took me like 3 keys to clear it 'cos knowing nothing about tower events, I fielded my best teams on the lower floors...)
    Regalia should be easy to farm, aside from events where people rather spend BP on non-raids(UE/Raid) you should have no problem hosting Light Ults and getting people to help. If we calculate your gains from never getting MVP or vMVP, you get 3 Regalias and 6 shards a day. 10 days nets you 30 regalias for a weapon, and 60 shards. 30 days means 90 regalias, and 180 shards which translates into 30 extra regalias and 30 shards carried over to the next month. I would advise you to only get Joan's weapon to LB1-2 and start saving up regalias if you are close to getting Shingen, because you would want her and her soul weapon. Having regalia on hand means you can grab her weapon as soon as you unlock her.

    As for bricks, you may want to use them on Mich's lance instead and her weapon has an FLB(LB4) which gives it an additional 25 levels in stats, 10 more slvls, and adds a defender+. Also, since it is a lance, it is something you're more likely to keep further down the road if you can manage to get a Phantom Lance(from ragnarok raids) and 6 lances total(including phantom and soul).

    If you haven't Michael should be your main priority for awakening.

    For tower, you messed up once but now you know how it works. That experience means you'll have a much better time the next tower comes. Just know that there are a few things to consider:
    1) If you can't complete all 3 objectives in one run, aim for the non-thunder hime objective. For example, run an off elemental balance/defense/tricky hime if you don't have one of the correct element.
    2) You can run a floor that you find very hard with a completely off-element team, because getting the bonus from floor completion is better than nothing.
    3) If you are stuck on a floor(too hard etc.), you can always go back to complete the 3rd objective for lower floors. For example, you had to bring an off-element balance hime for floor 8 to get the 250 medals, instead of giving up on the event now that you are "gated" you can go back to floor 8 and complete it again for the "only xxx characters" for an extra 150 medal+turn bonus. This would usually be done at the very end of the event knowing 100% you won't get the floor clear reward with the remaining attempts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Actually, that is pretty much what I am using for non-light elements... Which is why I have been fielding my light team for every event so far, even though I have decent himes in other elements, too - my light team hits harder even without the elemental advantage...
    You have a very good Light team, to the point I'd like to say I'm awfully jealous considering gacha only ever gives me fire himes that aren't as useful. I did not know what himes you had, but now that I do I can tell you, investing 80% into Light, and the other 20% into an element to prepare for an event that requires said element(tower etc.) at least 3 weeks before hand will be enough for you. An easy way to recognize if you are prepared at a basic level for off-elements would be, 100% assault, at least 60% elemental from soul weapon+eidolon, and if possible 20-30% defender. More would be welcomed but not at the expense of neglecting your Light for a long period.
    Another thing if you haven't already done so, level up your accessories for hp/atk. If you don't have as many SSR accessories, leveling an SR accessory is fine too but keep it around 25. Even at just level 20, 3 SRs provide about 1500 hp+attack combined for your hime.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    so I am hoping Vritra won't be too much trouble for my light team (Nandi was a real pain for me, back then I was only strong enough to farm expert and not ultimate.)
    If you were running Nandi with a Light team on AAB, note that it could be possible the challenge came from missing your debuffs. From what Slashley told me before, the chance to debuff(not accounting hime's personal hit rate with it), Elemental advantage>off-element>same element>elemental disadvantage. So if it was a problem due to debuff, just know that you will have a higher chance to debuff this time as your chance "upgraded to the next tier".

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Gah, I neglected that the next tower needs a fire team! Thank you for the reminder!
    A Certain Kamihime Encyclopedia

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    2a. It's done using paratrains, while strong players can certainly solo up to 400 or so, the scaling becomes pretty insane beyond that, and the boss will just casually 1-shot all your himes if you let them attack at all. So you don't.
    You know what they say.
    "I like my Demons the same way I like my women, all Paralyzed and unable to fight back."
    Quote Originally Posted by kyc992 View Post
    Regalia should be easy to farm, aside from events where people rather spend BP on non-raids(UE/Raid) you should have no problem hosting Light Ults and getting people to help.--
    This used to be true, but now that Ragnarok Disaster raids are here, I've found myself basically ignoring Ult help requests. Why should I spent 5 Seeds for an Ult when I can spend 5 Seeds for a Rag? If I need to farm Regalia, it's much better for me to host one myself. The point is, it might be better to ask your Union to help out in Discord or something, since I'm not sure you can rely on randoms coming to help out in Ults anymore.

    It's retarded how they didn't drop Ult BP requirement to 3 or something, really.

  8. #8
    Unregistered Guest
    Thanks again! A couple more follow-ups if you all don't mind:

    1. Which himes can paralyze? I have only seen dizzy before, usually from Mordred or Morgan's soul weapon (ally casting dizzy is sometimes why I lose light boss raids btw - it goes off unpredictably, like when I have Joan's dmg cut up... It helps when it starts spamming those 20k+ attacks, but not that helpful before.)

    Quote Originally Posted by kyc992 View Post
    Another thing if you haven't already done so, level up your accessories for hp/atk. If you don't have as many SSR accessories, leveling an SR accessory is fine too but keep it around 25. Even at just level 20, 3 SRs provide about 1500 hp+attack combined for your hime.
    2. Only started being able to clear AQ3 last week and AQ4 this week, so, small stash of SR/SSR accessories so far. What is a good strategy for accessories? Upgrading an SSR from 1 to 50 costs a fortune even using lvl1 SR as fodder. Is it more cost effective to upgrade SR to lvl 20-25 (and use them while I get more SSR) then use the upgraded SR as fodder? I can optimize this with enough time at the accessory calculator, but why reinvent the wheel if there is already some kind of rule of thumb out there.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    It's retarded how they didn't drop Ult BP requirement to 3 or something, really.
    They did. A long long time ago. They even reduced the AP costs. Just not on taco. Cuz originaru gaym.

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