8990 points. I completed every level first attempt, missed every single 5-girls-survive objective, and completely failed to get anywhere on floor 15. But then, I'd used all my best himes on floors 13 and 14 to get there, so not a big surprise. Overall I'm very happy with that result. I also don't have a weapon crying out for the limit break this time. I might just save them in case something good shows up. Thanks as always to all the commenters here, especially you Slashey - I don't have your kh line up, but your notes help me focus on what I need.

I was most proud this time on my floor 12 "total immunity" grid. Didn't even need it (boss kill before ouigi) but always nice to know I can field a team who is un-killable for a turn.
(edit - ouigi not burst)