Welp. I failed miserably. Lost 300 points on F18 after all Def Downs missed (failed 5 Hime alive). That alone probably dropped out of top20. Then lost 500 points from failing off-element clear (having my Shingen sniped on the last floor of Tower is kinda a tradition by now, but at least this time it was my fault for playing like shit). Will probably be outside top50... for somebody with almost all Water SSRs and 160% Levi, that's just outright pathetic.


Oh well. Videos:
F20 off-element:
F20 on-element:

Anyway, until yesterday, I didn't understand what the whole turtling thing was about. Dreamlitz has mentioned it before but never properly explained it I believe. I didn't connect the dots from seeing somebody post a solo video of Fire Rag kill. Why didn't anyone tell me that SR Dragoon buffs last 3 turns instead of 2 like SSR Dragoons...?
I should probably make a thread about turtling tomorrow. After work and hours of Tower, I'm too tired for that.
Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
Congrats on full mission clear btw, you'll probably rank really well.
In previous Towers full missions when losing 10 points per floor from 10-15 basically meant being outside top20. I wonder how much different things will be this time.