Quadruple posting.

So, the second Water Tower has ended. For future reference, here are the winners:

01. Geidt				15870 [71k,100e,334H]	(Drama Club)
01. AsD2038				15870 [78k,120e,336H]	(談笑颩甡學習俓驗 (Talking and laughing))
03. mlw61520				15850 [69k,  GE,313H]	(Axis Mundi)
03. AXSXCE				15850 [71k,120e,334H]	(RedPhantom)
05. Rori Juice				15830 [63k,100e,338H]	(Isekai)
05. nonsensei				15830 [62k,  GE,298H]	(Drama Club)
07. Valen				15810 [67k,100e,313H]	(Weeb Wanks)
07. cashballer				15810 [85k,120e,269H]	(Weeb Wanks)
09. VERYVOODOO				15800 [63k,  GE,293H]	(Ixion)
09. Slashley				15800 [67k,100e,302H]	(Kingdom AR)
09. Bedevil				15800 [72k,  GE,281H]	(Susurrus)
12. xm67				15780 [67k,110e,336H]	(RedPhantom)
13. Xellosp				15770 [59k,  GE,309H]	(=Akatsuki=)
13. Char Aznable			15770 [56k,100e,272H]	(Lalka-Doll)
15. dreamlitz				15750 [53k,140e,311H]	(Nonsense)
16. J0hnT1t0r				15580 [73k,120e,321H]	(談笑颩甡學習俓驗 (Talking and laughing))
17. Scorpiossss				15470 [73k,120e,301H]	(Isekai)
18. SwampyKong				15460 [72k, 60e,332H]	(Terminus)
19. HdMercenario			15380 [67k,100e,282H]	(Drama Club)
20. Ken					15360 [76k,160e,370H]	(談笑颩甡學習俓驗 (Talking and laughing))
[e means Elemental, c Character Atk, G for Guardian.]

Notice, Atk numbers are not reliable at all, as the number listed here is for whatever team they had when I inspected them.