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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2017
    u no fun.
    10 characters.

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    I'm looking at that SSR bow and shaking my head over here. I mean, it was one thing with Nandi's hammer (Elaborate as a main stat isn't great, but Assault+/Elaborate is somewhat passable compared to an SR Assault weapon, especially with hime like SSR Artemis and Attar).

    But Elaborate(+)/Defender...


  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I'm looking at that SSR bow and shaking my head over here. I mean, it was one thing with Nandi's hammer (Elaborate as a main stat isn't great, but Assault+/Elaborate is somewhat passable compared to an SR Assault weapon, especially with hime like SSR Artemis and Attar).

    But Elaborate(+)/Defender...
    Nandi's hammer is so much better. At least it is a clear upgrade to the SR disaster hammer (and it looks cute!) I still have 3 SR weapons in my light grid and if I did my math right, this SSR bow will actually reduce my damage if I replace one of the SR hammers with it, despite higher stats (I don't have SSR Artemis.) It is a slight upgrade to SR disaster defender weapons (you lose 3% defender value for elaborate and some stats boost), so if you are still using those...

    Btw, the only difference between elaborate(++) and no (+) is the dmg cap, which is likely an irrelevant stat if you are still upgrading from SR weapons like me. Elaborate dmg boost is the same for no (+) all the way to (++). In another words, the Elaborate(++) on this bow does not offset the no (+) on the defender at all imo, so this bow is probably worse than you thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Devs gave crappy weapons to dark during the last Python advent, so, to balance it out, give crappy weapons to light, too?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    I just got Agaliarept but I don't really get how her mechanics work.
    The first damage ability increase the debuff analysis to the enemy by 1 stack, and she increase crit and evasion but by how much per stack?
    The buff ability consume 10% hp of all the allies and apply analysis buff to all allies? Is the allies analysis related to the enemy debuff analysis?
    Kamihime ID: 28998 // Union ID: v(^^)w EU // #2112 // Discord:

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Torkov View Post
    I just got Agaliarept but I don't really get how her mechanics work.
    The first damage ability increase the debuff analysis to the enemy by 1 stack, and she increase crit and evasion but by how much per stack?
    Check DMM wiki, maybe they have numbers there now. They didn't back when I made the encyclopedia in Sanahtlig's toolbox, like what, eight months ago or something. But maybe they have them now?
    Quote Originally Posted by Torkov View Post
    The buff ability consume 10% hp of all the allies and apply analysis buff to all allies? Is the allies analysis related to the enemy debuff analysis?
    Yes, they get her passive. So more stacks is better. And remember that she doubles the effect on herself, since she gets a second copy of her passive.

    Also to be noted is that she will shine in raids. Since the debuff is shared for everyone in the raid, the more people bring her the better she gets.

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