So, this event has ended. For future reference, here are the winners:

1. Isekai 1266
2. Susurrus 1129
3. Amaterasu 939
4. Drama Club 885
5. Ixion 800
6. Axis Mundi 796
7. ToF 782
8. ÐarkĤell 749
9. Пандорика (Pandorika) 748
10. =Akatsuki= 644
14. Wind Sough 581
??. Stardust

1. Amaterasu 1271
2. Isekai 1191
3. Susurrus 1102
4. Axis Mundi 1038
5. Ixion 1007
6. Пандорика (Pandorika) 952
7. ÐarkĤell 926
8. Drama Club 905
9. =Akatsuki= 814
10. Stardust 735
11. ToF 715
14. Wind Sough 672

1. superxham 501m (Amaterasu)
2. Namsu 401m (Amaterasu)
3. yAMAiNOS 256m (Axis Mundi)
4. VERYVOODOO 230m (Ixion)
5. geoffchu 224m (Isekai)
6. Yaruk 203m (Axis Mundi)
7. skiss 178m (Пандорика (Pandorika))
8. NoGameNoLife 164m (Isekai)
9. HdMercerio 155m (Drama Club)
10. FckThunderLightFTW 148m (Amaterasu)
11. Astluh 126m (ÐarkĤell)
12. Advertising 122m (Axis Mundi)
13. GibMeidoSora 114m (Susurrus)
14. idunno 111m (Axis Mundi)
15. BadRiddance 102m (Susurrus)
16. Shiro 100m (Ixion)
17. nutchai 100m (Wind Sough)
18. DamnSonWhere 100m (Susurrus)
19. RidDick 99m (Пандорика (Pandorika))
20. blubbergott 98m (Susurrus)

Good work, everyone.

The fight for top5 Ultimates is rough. I previous said that I expected mergers, but nothing seems to have happened at least yet. In other news, Susurrus which basically never gets people into top20 PP due to splitting the burden, this time has a whopping four people in top20. Huh.