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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
    Didn't want to wait, so I tried it out myself. The answer is yes, it does count:
    So effectively what it does is checks if there's any SR or SSR Hime, and if not, "good enough!"

    Good job on off-element clear. Solo-Hercules with Ascension is an interesting idea. Once my Light Grid finally finishes in a month or two, dat 900 heal per turn on Herc will be quite something.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Since the "half-off Disaster raids" event ran alongside Yato no Kami event, might as well post this here.

    Sick and tired of Magna grind, but at least I'm in a wayyy better spot than before this event. During Ragna releases - after Fire and Water - haven't had nearly as much time for KH as I would've liked. As for SSR Hime unlocked, before and after event:
    Fire 5 -> 6
    Water 4
    Wind 3 -> 5
    Thunder 7
    Light 1 -> 2
    Dark 1 -> 4
    I basically have everyone I care about unlocked. I guess Shiva, Arianrod, SR Bastet and SR Volos could still use unlocking, but for now, meh.

    What is ridiculous that after taking two weeks out of work and "spending" 100-150 Seeds almost daily throughout this event ("spending" since you basically get your Seeds back from the Silver drops), I'm still nowhere near done with these shits. Fire is a couple short of 150 for the Olympia Eidolon, and that's assuming I don't ever pull any cool new Fire SSRs like Vahagn. Water would need a couple more for the Olympia Eidolon, plus if I pull Vohu I need 120 Magnas for her and Saraswati to play around with. NOT unlocking Saraswati unless that happens, though. Wind and Dark are a long, long way from the 150 for Olympia Eidolon. Light is close to 150 but I have very few Light SSRs, so they're really the most likely ones for me to pull... so really, Light is the furthest away from being "done." And as a full Thunder baka, that amount of Thunder Magnas is entirely unacceptable. That's not even enough for the next two MTs and Olympia Eidolon.

    Sure, all of that is far, far away still (6 weeks until the very first Olympias), but still. The point is, FUCK the god awful Magna droprates.

    As for Phantoms:
    5 Bows (dupes)
    3 Axes (dupes)
    3 Glaives (dupes)
    3 Arcanes
    2 Hammers
    1 Lance (dupe)
    1 Staff

    12/18 dupes. Considering how I started this event with 4/9 MLBs and only near the end got to 6/9 MLBs, fuck the RNG gods. Still five Phantom weapon drops to go, two of which really don't matter (the Sword). And maybe I shouldn't complain about RNG gods, considering that I had access to 9/9 Phantom weapons even before the event and had MLB'd pretty much exactly the useful ones (Lance, Glaive, Axe).

    And on a final note, I think the most hilarious thing during this event was the sheer fucking volume of Water Rags. Water Rags, EVERYWHERE. It's like people fucking know that once this event is over, ain't NOBODY got time for THAT SHIT.
    Fuck Water Rags. It's not difficult, it's just a fucking chore.

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