Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
Actually they kinda are - the slope of the line suggests that you have to give up about 3.5 atk to gain 1 hp, which is why high hp event eidolons always look so awful in total power. This is also why I caveat everything with if you need the hp. I actually often find that trade to be a bargain for AAB builds where the AI does a lot of stupid things so I need a bigger hp pool to offset its stupidity (I AAB AQ5 and most ults - not dark ult, actually I AAB that, too and rely on friends to clean up my mess ) If you don't find the hp useful, do what Slashley does and only look at atk (in which case Tiamat rules, by a pretty big margin.)
A similar slope also holds for weapons within their quality type. I did something similar awhile ago and noticed that all weapons released have a similar curve depending on their accepted power level. Different weapon grades have different slopes (SRs are below what you're quoting, while SSRs are a bit above).

All else being equal, more hit points help period. This is actually the really big appeal of phantom weapons and their grid capabilities. Even with a couple of off-element weapons (provided their maxed) you can easily match the expected damage of an on-element non-phantom grid while upping your party's hitpoints by about 25-35% (depending on you amount of defender). You lose no damage output, but gain high resiliency. If you have the ability to go all on-element then you also benefit from the damage increase, but it's less because everyone has a decent base of assault to begin with. The real power advancement is left by base assault at that point.
