Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
Hah, if only. It's 50% STATUS resistance. In other words, as useless as Kaiser passive.
My bad, this is why it's dangerous to try to translate google translate... I edited my post so as not to give others a false impression.

Quote Originally Posted by Tanukimo View Post
Thanks for adding the section on gacha eidolons. Again, seeing Anubis at the top of the curve surprised me since if you look at her stat total (hp + attack) it's barely better than Tiamat but 900 hp is no joke. Before seeing this thread I'd usually judge eidolons based on stat total so it's nice to learn that stat total isn't everything. For example, Girimekhala has a slightly higher total than Huanglong (2982 vs 2922) but your analysis shows that Huanglong is basically a thunder Hecatonchires, which is a pretty big deal. It was also surprising to see that the new 120% eidolons aren't better than the old 100%s stat-wise. Anyways, this will be a nice reference when considering the trade-offs to switching sub eidolons.
Glad you find it helpful!