Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
Double postan'

So, I manualed a run with all but my Light team (because what's the point), and here's what I got:
24.8m Water -> 39.2m
28m Wind -> 45.8m
21m Fire -> 51m
29m Dark -> 38m
46m Thunder -> 63.7m

Not perfect, but I'll take it. Mistakes that happened mostly include horrible Eidolon ordering (using Mii AFTER damage abilities, gj!)
and missing one Lock-On from Tyr, that cost me ~1.5m damage. But there's too many Nikes around to keep trying, so yeah, I'll take it.

Currently sitting on rank50 for Best and rank72 for Total. My awful, awful Light score (15m) is seriously hurting my Total, but what can you do.

A couple of notes here:
In theory, THEORY, if I had Kirin I'd be ranking ~13 in Best. Because 63.7 * 1.25 = 79.6m. In reality though, I'm not the only person who is lacking dem P2W Eidolons, so competition would be tougher. Also, many abilities are hitting their caps already as are Tyr's bursts, so the ~25% boosted damage doesn't work in reality. It's pretty rough to tell how much more damage Kirin would actually be.

Dark manualing didn't boost the score much. I can think of two reasons: on AAB, Shingen is awful (and was used in other elements) while manualing Herc doesn't do much. Also, with no Tiara set bonuses just yet, Dark is soooooooo goddamn slooooooow. This meant that fast units waiting around for slower ones for Full Burst cost a lot of potential DPS. Outside of Thunder, Dark is the only element I did multiple runs with since I was doing like 33m runs manually. That wasn't much of a boost from the 29m AAB, so I dumped Cherno for Osiris and got my 38m run. I wish I could run Cherno WITH Osiris though, since Cherno is goddamn amazing damage per turn against Light. But what can you do, there was too much waiting around without Osiris speeding the team up.
Hi genius, dummy do not require you to use the advantage element to fight each dummy, so why not use your best element to improve some of that score ?