Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
Double postan'

So, I manualed a run with all but my Light team (because what's the point), and here's what I got:
24.8m Water -> 39.2m
28m Wind -> 45.8m
21m Fire -> 51m
29m Dark -> 38m
46m Thunder -> 63.7m

Not perfect, but I'll take it. Mistakes that happened mostly include horrible Eidolon ordering (using Mii AFTER damage abilities, gj!)
and missing one Lock-On from Tyr, that cost me ~1.5m damage. But there's too many Nikes around to keep trying, so yeah, I'll take it.[/SPOILER]Currently sitting on rank50 for Best and rank72 for Total.
So I got nowhere near 172 myself (423 this morning, hoping I'm still top 500 tomorrow), so room for improvement in ~10 weeks. Congrats on 63.7M on Thunder. At least I beat you on Light, so that's 1 out of 6!

I need to build a thunder-Shingen option - I'm lacking def debuff on thunder so not sure what that'll look like; I've been clinging to Dart for too long. I'm also considering pushing to get 2 more Thunder SSR glaives so I can make use of my one and only Phantom weapon in Thunder. That'll require a few more eyes to pick the Thunder SSR Glaive weapon in the Draconic Eye mat shop, and buying a duplicate treasure sword with Orichalcon. Only worth doing if I don't pick up another Phantom weapon first - so for now, I'm hoarding and hoping to get a 2nd Glaive, or a Phantom lance or axe drop. Hell, even the gun might be better. Eyes take forever in a low-tier guild, so it's not happening any time soon.