Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
Dunno much about thunder, but if you're struggling with debuffs, Hercules with MLB axe can often be better than Shingen (e.g. if using Herc moves you from 30% def down to 50% def down, that's actually a 40% increase in dmg, which can be as good as Shingen reducing your burst cycle from 5 to 3T, depending on what your DATA and exceed looks like.)
I've got a FLB Herc Axe. It's a small improvement on Dart for overall damage, but it's 4 turns for that first 30% debuff and I've got no affliction resist down to help the Eidolon 12.5% land on turn 7 - SR eidolon burst effects don't stick frequently. Running Herc with Sniper Shot gives similar results for me to Herc with PF. I've not got a FLB Shingen bow in Thunder yet, I'm hoping that will give me a better result, possibly with Sniper Shot again on the bonus rather than the new Shingen-only bonus ability boost. I've also got a long way to go on Ragnarok Raids before I can unlock my first 5 accessory Thunder character.

Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
Not sure what your grid looks like, but if you have to drop two MLB SSR weapon to accommodate 2 LB0 SSR just to activate a phantom weapon, it's usually not worth it, especially if your phantom weapon itself is LB0 (so you're effectively dropping 3 MLB SSR.) If you've done the math and know exactly what you're doing, sure, go ahead, but I would caution against burning eyes just to get a phantom grid running full of LB0 weapons. Also consider using MLB SR instead of LB0 SSR, they're often better - burn orbs to LB ones that are good, at least orbs are easier to farm back.
The aim is to get two lb3 or one lb3 and an mlb; lvl 125 on the Orichalcum thunder Glaive (treasure sword Crusos I think) using just Orichalcum, and lvl 150 on the Eye-mat-shop thunder Glaive using Tower for weapon breaks; I've got 17k unspent as I've got no suitable target weapons since last tower. The slow point here is going to be eyes, even if I don't awaken anybody else it'll take months (on 5 eyes now). The only droppable Thunder glaive is I think Karin's summon, which is pretty long odds, so without resorting to one SR in my grid or a seriously lucky draw of Karin or a 2nd Phantom Glaive weapon, this is my only real hope. This leaves 3 slots, which will be one fbl Thunder gun of Gluttony, one flb Gluttony lance, and my flb Ukko axe (eye-mat-shop weapon)
(edit - clarity)

But I've only just noticed - this event runs into September. I can do some reworking of grids, take down a few dozen more raids for soul weapons, and try again. In reality I'll have to - my score won't keep me in top 500 beyond this week. Every time I think I'm in a good place to cut back on the grind, the game pushes me back in....