Quote Originally Posted by Chrestomancy View Post
I don't mind spending a while perfecting a grid for a challenge - that's fun. But when I'm certain I can't improve it any further, spending hours just re-running the same fight until the stars are right is not.
Tell me about it. Plus having to redo Accessories is total ass. Since Earrings > Tiara for a mere 2 turn fight.

Still, I do like this more than the "total damage done in 15-turns" ones. There is more than one exact solution to this one. Well, I mean, I guess technically there is only one Wind team which is the "correct" solution, but nobody is going to bother with that setup I guess. Due to it working is like one in a million.
Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
Hmmm, I'm really not sure, but my girls with basically not even full SLd grind, not to mention FLBd can hit up to 80r per normal hit already? and yours full FLB only 100k? What's problem with mine, that's that i haven't so much hp, so no burst to me
Did you have a P2W Eidolon? That makes a huge difference.
Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
As a side question, what is the theme/whatever that is you running, Slash? Mine nutaku's KH looks different.
The normal client stopped working for ages ago. So I use the DMM mobile direct link. It used to be WAY better than the normal client in performance and such, but over the past year, the normal client has improved massively. So really, it doesn't matter which one you use I think.

If you are going to use the DMM direct link, please notice that you first need to login to the normal client for the Kamihime cookie. Only then will the mobile client work.
Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
Oh, and btw, for phathom weapons, second skill which activates with 6 or more weapons of the same type, does that includes phathom weapon itself (so, 5 weps same type + phathom weapon)?
Yes. As you can see in my Grid, 5+1 is all that is required. To keep easy track, I keep that weapon type filling up either the first two or the last two rows.