Standard Lilim (3T) -
Normal Overdrive: Attacks all allies and applies ATK to self
Raging Overdrive: Attacks all allies and applies DEF down to allies

Expert Lilim (2T) -
Normal Overdrive: Attacks all allies and applies ATK to self
Raging Overdrive: Attacks all allies and applies DEF down to allies

Expert Demon -
Normal Overdrive: Attacks all allies
Raging Overdrive(1): Removes allies buffs and clears self debuffs
Raging Overdrive(2): Nukes single ally and clears self debuff(s) ?

Ultimate Demon -
Normal Overdrive: Attacks single ally and applies ATK up to self
Raging Overdrive: Attacks all allies and clears allies buffs, applies DATA to self

Weps/FLB -


New Kamihime -

SSR Light Offense - Iris

SR Light Balance - Metis

R Light Balance - Harmonia


Good luck! Especially to those who have been saving jewels for Iris release!