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  1. #7
    DLJ: I like Metis (as she blocks afflictions, which comes in handy against that busted Dark Disaster) but would not main her.Athena is a good defensive hime, so your team's defense seems good with her alone. Still needs IMHO an healer, so either go with Andromeda or pick Belobog.The EX will be Sniper Shot most of the time.

    Also, I feel your DPS could do better, as Diana is the only debuffer (aside the mandatory Sniper Shot). Try bringing Caspiel instead of Metis or Sukunahikona. Caspiel will debuff the shit out of the enemy's defense, and Athena will guarantee she won't be hit as often.

    So your team could be:

    Hercules or Shingen with Sniper Shot (Atk Def -20%) I picked these two because they have the better tools to fill their Bursts before Athena's
    Athena (in front row as she will likely have the most HP and may profit from taking most of the damage, filling her burst.)
    Diana (Def -15%. In front row because she can heal herself)
    Belobog (as healer, and for her Atk -15%. Also her skillset makes both Sukunahikona -Regen- and Metis -afflictions healing- replaceable)
    Caspiel (for Def -10%. 2 stacks of her other ability allows the team to reach the -50% Def down cap)

    Caspiel may seem like the weak link in that build, but note that Athena and Belobog will work to keep her alive while she melts the enemy defense. She can be substituted when/if Hercules get her Soul Weapon that debuffs defense.


    Andromeda with Sniper Shot
    Sukunahikona (she brings in regeneration, but I still think that debuffing Atk with Belobog would fare better at keeping Caspiel alive. OTOH her stacking self-buffs can exploit the melted Defense, which can be a high-risk high-reward deal)

    Dreamlitz: I don't think EX Black Propaganda (or Forseti for that matter) is mandatory for the team's survivability. Between Athena covering attacks and cutting damage every 3 turns, and Belobog providing -35% Attack Down and regeneration, the team could tank some Overdrives... Also, Athena, Diana and Hercules can buff their own defenses, so the lack of a group Defense buff is not a major drawback.
    Last edited by Geo; 08-14-2019 at 02:58 PM.

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