Wow...thanks for all the input. I’ll need to go back and reread for sure. I feel like a doofus because I just realized I need to use soul points to unlock the right souls to progress there...lotta wasted exp. I’ve inefficiently farmed some materials to continue upgrading my team. I’m still not sure what having an all light weapon grid does for me, I have almost enough to cover if I wanted. I have three of the kinetic former Métis uses...could have been better? Sadly, overall weapon type/quality looks like it’ll hold me up for a while.

I dithered between Belabog and Forseti, went with the former...definitely not sure about it. I’ll check my “R” hime and see if I’ve got some worth putting on. I’ll swap Métis to sub, flip a coin for who stands next to Athena. Grinding Merlin and Van Helsing from the first group of I said, I’m slow. Looks like I need to focus more on the raids, too.

Is it worth continuing to spend MJ on the 10 chain Gatcha?