Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
I don't think they're nerfing Ults? Well, they're giving a MASSIVE HP nerf to Ult Dark (because fuck that guy), and a minor (rather insignificant) HP nerf to Water and Light Ults.
Got ninja-ed on this one.

But with no mechanics changes, they won't be very accessible to newer players.
I'm not sure, only dark ult is not solo-able right now without a solid grid though. If you have a decent team, the other ults should be close to solo-able with full disaster phantom grid once you've unlocked a few T3 souls and have a full event eido grid. This is especially the case if ppl are willing to spend $30 for the beginner mtix that matches the element from their guaranteed SSR roll or the 100% they re-rolled into.

No idea about the Rag nerfs, though.
I was thinking the light rag, which imo is the hardest rag by far. That one gets nerfed severely around the end of the year iirc. The changes I can remember off the top of my head are:
a. Main boss no longer instantly rages on turn 7
b. Top add no longer casts that ridiculous dmg cut + light atk up combo (only the atk/def up combo)
c. Main boss' death beams are no longer locked onto a single target but is actually randomly scattered

I think thunder rag's zapping also got nerfed from 10 to 5 zaps, but dun quote me on that one.

Not sure if there are other nerfs, I paid most attention to light as usual...

And there totally isn't a better use for whatever currency that shop uses? Because usually, there is. Which pointlessly slows down newer players, when they should be speeding up instead.
Actually, there're all sorts of goodies from that shop, but the currency can just be farmed from regular raids. If I read the wiki correctly, hosting and mvp-ing all standard, expert and ultimate raids gets you 216 medals a day, so that works out to over 6000 per month. Rags can get you more. You probably want to grab all of the following:

  • All tickets - 1125 medals
  • All draconic eyes and shards - 1450 medals
  • All HSP - 500 medals - not that expensive!
  • A phantom weapon - 2000 medals/weapon - each type limited to 1/month, so you can MLB it in 4 months without doing a single rag

That still leaves you about 1000 spare medals, which you can use to buy ori to get ori shop weapons without even doing GO, or just save them for FLBs. You can also use those medals to trade for pages needed for T4 soul, but I think it's ok that new players can't unlock them that quickly.

None whatsoever, since you always use Soul Weapons anyway.
Actually, I have used non-soul weapons for GO, 'cos some souls are just not worth investing a soul weapon in until you start the T4 soul grind (looking at you Sieg, who's GO mission this week >.>)

Outside of that, if you're slightly crazy like me, occasionally you'll have builds that use T2 souls instead of T3, in which case the soul weapon bonuses dun apply. Those situations are extremely rare though, so for all intents and purposes, weapon burst effects are useless as Slashley stated.

Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
Fuck I think i was looking at the wrong thing. Was on the JP wiki. Was looking at guardian angels, but it's actually the seraph stuff isn't it?
Lol, yeah seraph replaced demon for UE. Guardian weapons are generally very solid, but completely inaccessible to newbies.