Good to know - Raid drop rates buffed in August 2020

I agree with Slashey (now I've seen a few reward pages), looks identical drop rates to the other Ragnarok (former Ragnarok? Magnarok? Oldarok?) raids. But key differences - only 1 enemy, so arriving late doesn't significantly drop your loot levels, and either these are easier than oldarok raids, or my flist are suddenly much stronger - I've only seen 1 failed battle so far out of 40ish joined. They finish quick. I'm sure the rate of battles will drop when the shiny wears off and all the whales complete their flb eidos, but for now it looks like globes aren't a serious problem, it's magnas that will stop me.

I'll probably get 2 copies of eidos of light & dark before I have to switch back to oldaroks. While the weapons look interesting, I don't think I've got any good fits for light & dark weapons. Maybe the light glaive? Really need axe or staff for light, and the staff is not a good fit for my grid. Dark gun looks good, but I'm nowhere near a dark gun grid, and it won't be a contender for one of the other 4 spots when phantom weapons are available to buy in, what, April? Until then, it's back to Oldarok Thunder, then farm, farm, farm when Phul shows at Christmas.