Howdy all, I’m a relatively new player and still have a ton to learn. Initially, I started to build my Light team because the game showered some love on me - and I used a couple SR tickets to plus it up. Here’s what it looks like today:
Athena (SSR), Diana, Belabog, Sakunahikona, (subs are Métis and Hermès at the moment, but Kubera is also available). I do have a full grid of weapons, still working on these, but it doesn’t include a lance, glaive, gun or staff.

Since putting this group together, the game has bestowed a host of SSR and SR ‘hime on me for other elements...notably Fire and Thunder: Mammon (a starter, with Athena), Brahma, Fodla, Baal
Fire: Mars (last starter SSR), Ra, Molech, Amon

Water, Wind and Dark lag at 2x SR a piece. I’m probably best armed in Thunder (recent event). So...keep on keeping on with Light or look to change it up?