Oh hey, I haven't updated this in a while. I haven't really had the time. I put Ophiel and Phul in now.

Och is out, and is entirely impossible to fight right now. Basically the raid instantly hits 25 people and then you get "server error" spam aaaaand... well, literally unplayable. Not even kidding, the only time I've taken more than one turn against Och is when I hosted my own. This probably won't last though, because...
Yeah, there. I said it! People are going to realize this sooner or later.
Don't. Fucking. Join. Och. Raids.

Why? Because, unless you MVP or Vice, you get... nothing. Absolutely nothing. The Page droprate is the exact same as leeching Guardians/Rags, WITHOUT the 50% chance of Treasure/Magna. It is a complete waste of your time and you're better off joining ANY other raid than Och! Man, I thought the purple chest update was there to discourage people from leeching with their disgusting Dartagnan teams, but nope. Turns out, that system is designed to make Och more attractive.

So yeah. Once people realize this, nobody is going to join Och raids anymore. I mean, once MVP is no longer physically possible (like say 33% HP lost)... ... why would you join Och? Just go leech something else. Literally anything else. There is ZERO benefit for helping others get THEIR rewards from Och.
What a fucking joke.