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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Guide to Disaster raids for new players

    Since all games need new blood, and Kamihime is fucking AWFUL towards new players, I thought I'd try and see if I could make things just a little bit easier for them. So this guide is meant for them. Many of things I say that you can't/shouldn't might be easily doable by veterans/whales, but those guys don't need this guide. I will try to be as short and simple as possible when it comes to explaining what the bosses do. If you care for the details, please refer to this thread originally by Laventale instead.

    One thing that newer players should know about raids in general - NEVER use "Give Up" button!!! Simply "Request Support" for help, and then use the "Go to My Page" button instead. The raid will last for an hour, somebody else will (hopefully) join and clear the raid for you. Then you get your rewards. Nothing makes me sadder than joining a raid of some newbie when it has 10 minutes left, and when I check Combat Log the last thing that reads there is "newbie has retreated", which means that he hit the Give Up button. That means that I wasted my Seeds for some content I didn't even need anymore, and that player didn't receive any rewards. So please, don't. If you yourself are hosting and went to My Page, you cannot do any hosting or single player content until your hosted raid is cleared. You can, however, join up to 3 raids (hosted by others). This can be useful during Raid events in particular.

    Remember that you can send an emoticon to the raid (for 100% free) and get a 100% free AoE pot for it, once per fight. That's 25% HP to your team. Use these, love these.

    About Disaster Standards and Experts in general:

    Standards should be very easy for you to AAB very quickly. You might not be able to do it on day2, but you might be able to do it on week2. You should do these daily if you can, as they're your best source for T2 Cores forever, plus SR weapons.

    Speaking of T2 Cores, that means the "Prison of (element), Idea Core" item. There is also "(element) Idea Core" which are the T1 Cores, and honestly, abundant and useless.

    When Experts become easy for you, you can farm those too. But honestly? I don't think their drops are any better than Standard drops, despite being way harder and more AP expensive to start.

    About Disaster Ults in general:

    You need 3x T2 Cores to start these, each.

    These things ARE soloable. However, it will probably be a long time before you can. If you have rerolled into a 100% Eidolon you can probably Manual the element you're strong against fairly soon, but being able to AAB them will take much more time. It'd be for the best if you found yourself into a strong Union and asked for them to help clear your Ults.

    Drops in these are set in stone:
    Host: 1 Regalia
    Everyone: 2 Gem Fragments
    MVP: 3 Gem Fragments
    Vice: 1 Gem Fragment
    So host who gets MVP will always find 1 Regalia and 5 Gem Fragments. Also, I believe these will change in December. No more guaranteed Regalia and more Gem Fragments, so... for the worse? Thanks devs!

    Oh, and for some reason Ults have only 8 Def, compared to the normal 10. Don't brag about your damage against Ults - it is always higher here than in any other content in the game!!

    About Disaster Rags in general:

    You need 3x Regalia to start these, each.

    These things are NOT soloable. You will need a swarm of players to clear these. They are also generally debuff resistant, which makes debuffs... more important than ever! If anyone tells you otherwise, tell them they're stupid. Having -50% Atk and -50% Def up on Rags makes them wayyyy easier and is generally THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. You will want to bring a supporting team so that stronger players can clear this stuff for you, and that usually means bringing as many powerful debuffs as possible and/or Joan/Andro.

    Please don't get yourself killed. Damage in Rag raids is very predictable. If you know that the next turn will kill you? Just don't take that turn until you have one or two Joan Damage Cut stacks, or until friendly Andromedas have healed you to full. You will help nobody if you're dead. Just. Fucking. Wait. I only AAB even when supporting, but I keep a loose eye on the fight and pause my AAB when it looks like I'm about to die. Please do at least that much.

    Rags have adds to them. That means that you need to change targets. The easiest way to do this is to click on their small portrait at the top - the hitboxes of the mobs themselves are really fucking wonky in Rags. Each Rag has four Silver drops (that contain stuff like Seeds), and the adds always drop one of those Silver drops (leaving the boss herself with 2-3 Silver drops). You need to have done damage to that add to get its drop. If you join a Rag and see that one add is about to die, use an AoE skill immediately.

    Rag droprates are awful:
    Host: 1 Magna + 2 Relic Fragments + small (25%?) chance of Magna
    Everyone: 50% chance of Magna + small (10%?) chance of Relic Fragment + tiny (1%? 2%?) chance of Phantom weapon
    MVP: 1 Magna + tiny (1%? 2%?) chance of Phantom weapon
    Vice: Small (10%?) chance of Magna
    I believe these will change in December, I think T4 Crystals can drop instead of Magnas? So for the worse? THANKS DEVS!!!

    So, let's get down to the fights themselves:
    Fire Ult:

    Relative difficulty to other Ults: Easy.

    Bring BP! Fire Ult was the first Ult and was created just before Triggers existed, so she is simple. All you need to know is that she has a 50% chance of buffing his Atk during normal Overdrives, and if she has that buff up, YOU WILL DIE TO HER RAGE OVERDRIVE! So, don't get hit by the Rage Overdrive. This makes Manualing this fight really easy, just gather up Burst during normal Phase and Full Burst as soon as she hits Rage. If you're not strong enough to one-shot that Rage bar, then you're not strong enough to clear Fire Ult. Hint: Bring SR Belphegor, her -30% Rage Bar is no joke and will make one-shotting the Rage bar much easier.

    Technically you can also just bring Dispel and remove the buff, but neither Dispel nor BP are common skills to find... and BP is more important.

    Fire Rag:

    Relative difficulty to other Rags: A joke.
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    Vicissitudes of Fortune: Debuffs are important, and VoF will make everyone in the raid hit them much more often.
    Black Propaganda: Fire doesn't really have access to this, and it is really good in this fight.

    Forget the adds. Target the main body. Win.

    Fire Rag is the easiest of the bunch. Just bring 2 veterans/whales, 2-3 newbies with debuffs, target main body, AAB, win. It can be done with less. All you need to know is, past turn 10, you die. The end... ... well, that and let me say it again: Forget the adds. Only the main body matters. IGNORE. THE. FUCKING. ADDS.

    Honestly, the hardest part of this fight is finding people who are willing to fight it. Fire Rag was farmed the shit out of when she first came out, so many veterans just don't join the fight anymore.

    Water Ult:

    Relative difficulty to other Ults: Hard.

    Water Ult was the first fight in the game with Triggers, so oh boy. They overdid this one, so buckle up.

    Normal Overdrive will give Def Up to the boss that halves the damage she takes. This is obviously very, very, very bad. Either bring Dispel or don't let it happen. The Rage Overdrive basically murders one person.

    Every time you see her start Rage, the next turn you take she'll apply a 100% Damage Cut that lasts for 5 hits. This means that your Full Burst will be reduced to effectively 0 damage. THIS HAPPENS FOR EVERY PLAYER IN THE RAID, and can thus be extremely annoying to deal with. If you're weak and having a Union member carrying you, it might be best for you to not fight at all. Just hit the boss once (with a skill) and wait.

    And the cherry on the cake is, once she hits 30% she'll kill two people from you (unless you get lucky and both hit the same target). Combined with all the previous bullshit, this usually just ends the fight for you.

    Even as a full Thunder Baka, for a very, very, VERY long time I had to have a separate team to AAB Water Ults (with Dartagnan HP weapon for better debuffs). For those who aren't full Thunder Bakas, even manualing this fight can be rough.

    Water Rag:

    Relative difficulty to other Rags: A giant fucking chore.
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    Vicissitudes of Fortune: Debuffs are important, and VoF will make everyone in the raid hit them much more often.
    Sniper Shot: Thunder has very little access to B frame debuffs, and it is important that you debuff the main body's Atk while fighting the add.
    Chaos Magic: Dispel is needed throughout the fight and particularly when Rage happens. But chances are somebody else will bring this.

    Bring Andromeda. Kill the add first. When the add reaches 50% HP, it will buff the main body. When the main body is buffed (this cannot be Dispelled), she will nuke you HARD (once). This is the only dangerous thing in this fight, so if you're joining the fight later on be ready to immediately get hit for a ton of damage.

    Water Rag has one tactic and one tactic only: To whittle you down with tiny little damage every single turn and outlive you. So the best tactic is just adopt the same tactic: Bring Andromeda, outheal that fucker and just AAB. Water Rag can be cleared with 2 AABing veterans who brought Andromeda, but it takes fucking 40 minutes. It is NOT fun and nobody enjoys fighting this little shit. So the hardest part is finding players who will join this stupid fight.

    Wind Ult:

    Relative difficulty to other Ults: Easy/Hard

    Wind Ult is nigh-immune to debuffs. And debuff immune content is stupid. So soloing this fight is really just a simple matter of: Do you have Uriel/Svarog? If yes, you can solo it. If not, get fucked. Not much you can do since debuffs don't work.

    Wind Rag:

    Relative difficulty to other Rags: Medium.
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    (VoF: Do not bring this, top add will remove a debuff whenever a blue ability is used, making VoF useless here)
    Ambush: Fire has access to this, but there isn't much else useful to bring. Because debuff immune content is stupid.

    Bring Andromeda, kill adds first. Both of them are super annoying but at least you can debuff them. Just target whichever one the raid is fighting first - this varies greatly depending on how the host prefers it. Once the adds are murdered, it's still a long, long, loooong chore of fighting the 0% Def debuffed main body, since she is nigh-debuff immune. Wind Rag doesn't do a lot of damage but lasts forever, so Andromeda helps to keep people alive. Debuff immune content is stupid.

    Thunder Ult:

    Relative difficulty to other Ults: Medium.

    Thunder Ult is a very much a "kill before you get killed" fight. She deals a TON of damage to you, especially when Raging, so if Manualing Joan should make this into an easy fight. Those who are lucky enough to have found Gaia will also probably not find this boss challenging.

    Oh, and one thing to note: Thunder Ult is VERY weak to debuffs. This is quite rare and opens up windows of opportunity for you. Maybe you can just Paralyze her? Still not reliable (and Paralyze isn't very accessible), but can lead to some easy wins. Off element teams can also easily debuff her, which can make this Ult very reliable to kill with those teams as well.

    Thunder Rag:

    Relative difficulty to other Rags: Hard!
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    Vicissitudes of Fortune: Debuffs are important, and VoF will make everyone in the raid hit them much more often.
    Ambush: Wind already has access to this, but Hastur has awful hitrate.
    Eternal Serpent: This Gilgamesh's skill rarely sees use, but it is super useful here when used right. Use this if you're Manualing.
    Trial by Jury: Hopefully there are enough Joans in the raid, but if not, this REALLY helps on the main body.

    No short version here, sorry.

    Thunder Rag will basically be in Rage throughout the fight. The first turn taken will immediately Rage both the add and the main body. One thing to note here: THE OVERDRIVE BUBBLES ARE A LIE IN THIS FIGHT. The add (when in Rage, so almost always) will add one Bubble to the boss every turn. This means that the boss will Overdrive you when ONE SHORT of full Bubbles when the add is alive. Be prepared for that, since that HURTS. If the add is dead, the boss will basically just outright murder you EVERY TURN (when in Rage, so almost always) AND add one bubble to herself. She will need full Bubbles to Overdrive now, but gaining two Bubbles per turn makes BP near useless - don't bother with it.

    There's effectively two ways to fight this boss:
    Kill the add first: This is by far the most common tactic. This is how the fight should go:
    Everyone nukes the add, and once Stunned, SWAP TO THE FUCKING BOSS. Keep smashing the boss until the add is back to Rage, then finish the add off. If done right, the boss is either Stunned or almost Stunned at this point, which means that your raid won't wipe from the pissed off boss (notice: If boss is still at full Rage bar at this point, your raid has wiped). Everyone uses the Stun and normal phases to build up Full Bursts, and waits until the boss is Raged. Everyone unleashes their Full Bursts and kills the boss before being horrendously murdered by the extremely angry boss.

    For this tactic, bring Joan since Andromeda does fucking nothing against the pissed off boss.

    Ignore the add: Just... let the add do his (her?) thing. When the add is alive, the boss will be annoying with her debuff spam sure, but that's better than being murdered every turn, right?

    Bring Andromeda for this tactic. I've seen a single Andromeda keep the entire raid topped up, and that wasn't even an Ascension Grid. Good job, WhatIConceal.

    You might see why this boss is hard: AABing this fucker basically just gets you killed. Notice that ignore the add tactic will probably become irrelevant when December nerfs halve the amount of damage Thunder Rag does. At that point this fight will probably be easy and AAB city.

    Light Ult:

    Relative difficulty to other Ults: Hard.

    The first half of the fight is nothing. She just uses Dispel on you and AoE damage. The problem is the second half: she will Rage at half HP and buff the fuck up. If you're weak, just wait for those buffs to expire. However, please note that this will happen once per person in the raid. It isn't uncommon that you Rage her, wait her debuffs out, have some random idiot join your fight and take a turn to rebuff her. Aaaand then you need to wait again. Aaaaand then some other idiot joins and rebuffs her. Aaaand again. Aaaaand again. You get the idea. So, if YOU are joining a Light Ult that is Raged and isn't buffed: DO. FUCKING. NOT. TAKE. A. TURN. Just use a skill and let whoever is fighting it finish it up. If they wipe? Then take your turn and wait for the buffs to expire. Or just AAB it if it's low enough even with the buffs, up to you.

    So anyway, the problem with her Rage is that every single Overdrive, she will just end one person. So bring BP. She also has Triggers for the very same skill at low HP, so she might just kill three people in three consecutive turns. This makes her extremely annoying to fight.

    Light Rag:

    Relative difficulty to other Rags: Hard!
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    Vicissitudes of Fortune: Debuffs are important, and VoF will make everyone in the raid hit them much more often.
    Black Propaganda: Hit the main body with this, for the love of god!!!
    Sniper Shot: Dark has very poor access to this skill.
    Chaos Magic: Dispel can make this fight faster in the first half. Sadly, since the removed buffs will probably just get re-applied, this doesn't actually make that much of a difference unless you coordinate this skill somehow.

    Kill the top add first. Ignore the bottom add, it does fucking nothing.

    The problem in this fight is the top add. The very first turn you take? It buffs all your enemies with a Def Up. That's not so bad, but when that fucker hits Rage? It fucking buffs all of your enemies with a strong Damage Cut too! So, ideally, this is how Light Rags SHOULD go:
    Union members organize a group during Burst Hour, one person Full Bursts first and takes the add near Rage, the rest of the group nukes the add with skills to Rage it, the strongest person Full Bursts for massive damage before Damage Cut is applied. Then the rest of the group Full Bursts and hopefully kills the top add. Finally, everyone Dispels the main body of the buffs and the raid is opened to Friends too.

    If that was always the case, then this Rag would be easy.

    But what happens in reality? Everyone just AABs the the top add forever, while the main body simply ENDS one person per Overdrive. Half the raid will wipe to kill the top add, and hopefully the remaining half will manage to kill the main body. Hopefully. If they were smart enough to wait the buffs out...

    Lesson of the story is: ONLY HOST DURING BURST HOUR WHEN YOU HAVE FRIENDS WITH BURST HOUR. People will typically NOT JOIN against a full HP Light Rag, because fuck that top add.

    Notice that Light Rag will get massively nerfed upcoming December. Then you will probably just target bottom add and AAB your way to victory.

    Dark Ult:

    Relative difficulty to other Ults: EXTREME.

    Here's the short version: Fuck this guy.
    Here's the long version: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK THIS GUY. Or girl. I guess it's a girl like everything in this game. FUCK THIS GIRL. Which you can't even literally do since SR Eidolons don't have scenes!!!

    Ult Dark is the only Ult that not even veterans are able to reliably solo (in AAB). Here's what this fucker does:
    1. Regen. Always up. This doesn't matter much per turn, but it adds up.
    2. Damage cut. Always up. This guy ALREADY has like fucking TWICE the HP of the other Ults, and ON TOP OF THAT, she gets an always up damage cut? What the fuck?
    3. Deals 1500 damage to everyone. Every turn. Always. No exceptions. Because fuck you.
    4. Deals an additional 750 damage to everyone starting from the fight for 10 turns. This is a "buff" and cannot be Cleansed, but this can be removed by:
    5. Dispels your group every turn.
    6. Overdrive deals massive damage to everyone. Oh, and this also disables your skill usage, so have fun with that.
    7. When Ult Dark gets low, she starts to spam Blind and Berserk on your team, making things even more frustrating.

    After two years of play, I have only recently been able reliably AAB this piece of shit. Turns out that when you have 15k HP with Andromeda and Sol each healing for 5k every ~5 turns, you can just outheal this motherfucker. Even if you get unlucky with both of them being disabled by an Overdrive, you will still have enough HP buffer to not die from the constant damage.

    Fuck this guy. Girl. Whatever. Her HP at least will be MASSIVELY nerfed in December, meaning that I could reliably clear her even off-element, but until then... just do what I did:
    Beg for your Union to help you out.

    Dark Rag:

    Relative difficulty to other Rags: Easy. Kind of. If people pay attention.
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    Vicissitudes of Fortune: Debuffs are important, and VoF will make everyone in the raid hit them much more often. Light has great access to all debuffs, so you might as well bring this, I guess.
    (Maiden's Prayer: Cleanse may sound like a good idea, but all it does is massively lag - or even CRASH - the raid. DO NOT BRING THIS.)

    KILL THE TWO ADDS AT THE SAME TIME. Bring Andromeda and have like 10k+ HP. The main body itself is basically just Ult Dark, except easier but with way more HP. You will want Andromedas in the raid because the main body deals 1700 damage to everyone in the raid every turn and massive damage per Overdrive. But as long as you have 6-7 Andromedas in the raid and some HP buffer, no problem. Hell, veterans have Light Grids with 200% Ascension, which means that their Andromedas count as 3 each.

    Once one add is dead, the other one will enter Rage. When in Rage, these fuckers (either one) can instantly wipe your entire fucking raid. The good news is, if you do kill the adds at relatively same time, the main body itself is a joke. I have never seen a raid wipe if they didn't fuck up the adds. So the entire fight is literally about one single thing: killing both adds at the same time.

    Last edited by Kitty; 09-12-2019 at 07:44 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    About Guardians in general:

    You need 3x Regalia to start these, each.

    These things are NOT soloable. You will need a swarm of players to clear these. They are also generally debuff resistant, which makes debuffs... more important than ever! If anyone tells you otherwise, tell them they're stupid. Having -50% Atk and -50% Def up on Guardians makes them wayyyy easier and is generally THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. You will want to bring a supporting team so that stronger players can clear this stuff for you, and that usually means bringing as many powerful debuffs as possible and/or Joan/Andro.

    Please don't get yourself killed. Damage in Guardians raids is very predictable. If you know that the next turn will kill you? Just don't take that turn until you have one or two Joan Damage Cut stacks, or until friendly Andromedas have healed you to full. You will help nobody if you're dead. Just. Fucking. Wait. I only AAB even when supporting, but I keep a loose eye on the fight and pause my AAB when it looks like I'm about to die. Please do at least that much.

    Guardians drop lots of nice stuff, but sadly have awful rate for Treasures:
    Host: 1 Treasure + small (25%?) chance of Treasure + 2 silver chests + 2 gold chests
    MVP: 1 Treasure (+ tiny (1%? 2%?) chance of SSR weapon?) + 2 silver chests + 2 gold chests
    Vice: Small (10%?) chance of Treasure + 1 silver chest + 1 gold chest
    Everyone: All of this:
    3x silver chests (can contain HEs, Seeds, T2 Dragon Bones, T3 Lithographs, seems equally likely)
    1x silver chest (can contain R Grail or T4 Crystal, weighted for ~80% R Grail?)
    2x silver chests (SR weapon fodder)
    1x Treasure Fragment (golden chest)
    50% chance of Treasure (platinum chest)
    Tiny (1%? 2%?) chance of SSR weapon (platinum chest)

    The extra silver chests that drop from Host/MVP/Vice can be any of the three different silver types, I think.
    The extra gold chests can contain Treasure Fragment, Relic Fragment, Regalia Fragment or Regalia.

    Fire Guardian Phaleg

    Relative difficulty to other Guardians: Random, anything from a joke (usually) to impossibru (rarely)
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    Vicissitudes of Fortune: Phaleg has slight debuff resistance, having VoF up might make you hit 100% of debuffs.
    Maiden's Prayer: If you're manualing, bring this.
    Pure Garden: Andromeda's EX skill. Twice the CD of Maiden's Prayer, but works great with AAB. Bring this if you're not manualing.
    (Maiden's Prayer AND Pure Garden: If you really want to be a madlad, you can bring Vivian for both. But you'll lose a lot of stats (from the MP system) and healing, so probably not worth it.)

    Bring Andromeda. AAB. Win. Or don't win. Chaos will decide.

    Phaleg is the Guardian of Chaos/Insanity, and it shows. This little fucker can decide to set her Orbs to full every turn she's not Overdriving, or she can decide to eat all her Orbs and start all over again. Sometimes, she'll keep creating Orbs and eating Orbs in succession. What. Make up your mind, you little shit.

    Anyway, Phaleg basically does nothing until Rage. ALL of Phaleg's Overdrives (which can happen never or every second turn, depending on how she feels like) gives you debuffs. If you are debuffed during Rage, Phaleg will NUKE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. So unless you take care of those debuffs, you're in for a world of pain as long as Rage is up. That's... the entire fight, really.

    I've for all intents and purposes AAB soloed Phaleg with just Andromeda (150m damage against her 230m HP, no other Andromedas in raid) and not even come close to dying. I've also been absolutely destroyed the moment Phaleg enters Rage, since Phaleg can be a murderous bitch if she feels like it:
    T1. Orbs to full
    T2. Overdrive (debuffs nullified by Pure Garden)
    T3. Orbs to full
    T4. Overdrive (debuffs applied)
    T5. Nuke
    T6. Nuke
    Aaaaand you've wiped and there was nothing you could do. At least not in AAB. Thankfully, such a long series of events is very rare. Good luck.

    Water Guardian Ophiel

    Relative difficulty to other Guardians: Hard
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    Chaos Magic: Ophiel is Wind Rag level debuff resistant, so this is more or less the only skill that matters.

    Ophiel doesn't do much until you hit Rage, and will then spawn 10 Fish buff on herself. As long as she has this buff, her normal attacks will AoE attack AND (effectively) guarantee double hits. You can reduce the Fish counter by bursting by 3 Hime in the same turn or by using Dispel. Notice that Ophiel WILL Rage twice, and therefore you need to clear 20 Fish from her throughout the fight.

    Honestly? The only thing that makes Ophiel hard is her debuff resistance. If you could debuff her with -50% Atk and Def, she would be easy. So, if you manual with Thunder Samael... Ophiel probably isn't even an issue for you. For the rest of us... well, just bring Andromeda and AAB and hope for the best.

    Wind Guardian Bethor

    Relative difficulty to other Guardians: A chore.
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    Black Propaganda: Very useful.
    Maiden's Prayer: If this actually hits the raid (and doesn't crash the raid anymore), this can be super useful.
    Vicissitudes of Fortune: Not sure if I really recommend this, as this is more for the debuff resistance than the usual, applying debuffs. But debuff resistance sucks ass, so probably don't bother?

    Bring Andromeda with BP. AAB. Go have lunch and you'll have won by the time you come back. Maybe.
    Remember Water Rag? This is essentially the same fight. Bethor is a long, long chore with tons of HP and additionally spams Atk Down and Blind on you, plus Def Up on herself. Oh, and despite being Wind and a Guardian, Bethor isn't resistant to debuffs at all.

    Notice that Bethor doesn't normally do normal attacks - she always does a specific move at specific Overdrive blops. However, they didn't code a special attack for when BP is up. This normal attack turn also lets some debuffs expire before Bethor's ODs, which deal more damage the more debuffs you have - this is why BP is important!

    The only dangerous moment in the entire fight is when she clears her debuffs at 50% (unlike Haggith, this will happen at any turn). If you just happen to stumble into her non-BP delayed Rage Overdrive with zero Atk Downs on her, you're dead. I've seen 15k to all characters. But the chances of this happening are very, very, VERY low, so this attack will normally deal like 3k damage to you. Again, just AAB and you will win if there's any healing going around.

    Thunder Guardian Phul

    Relative difficulty to other Guardians: Medium
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    Vicissitudes of Fortune: Debuffs are important, and VoF will make everyone in the raid hit them much more often.
    Black Propaganda: Phul's Overdrives hurt. BP means less Overdrives. You want less Overdrives.
    Eternal Serpent: This Gilgamesh's skill rarely sees use, but here it is a lifesaver if you're manualing.

    Phul is really about one thing and one thing only: the first Rage phase. Basically when Phul Rages the first time, she puts a huge 'Rage Vigor' buff on herself. While she is high on her first Rage bar, every Overdrive will promptly wipe 1-2 Hime from you if you don't have countermeasures. This makes Phul a very frustrating fight, and if you join the raid during this first Rage, you might find everyone wiped.

    The thing is though, this only happens in the first Rage phase. Phul is nothing in the second Rage phase. So all you need to do is somehow, SOMEHOW clear that very first Rage phase. If you are weaker and really just want to clear Phul, hang around until the first Rage, then unleash Rage cuts like Eternal Serpent and maybe even raid SR Krampus to demolish that Rage Bar. Remember, these abilities are strong when used RIGHT after Rage starts!

    Light Guardian Haggith

    Relative difficulty to other Guardians: Medium
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    Black Propaganda: Bring this, for the love of god!!!
    Maiden's Prayer: If this actually hits the raid (and doesn't crash the raid anymore), this can be super useful. Also amazing for manualing.
    Vicissitudes of Fortune: Debuffs are important, and VoF will make everyone in the raid hit them much more often.
    Sniper Shot: Dark has very poor access to this skill.
    (Chaos Magic: I wouldn't recommend this, but there is one moment where this can be useful.)
    (Eternal Serpent: I wouldn't really recommend this, but this Gilgamesh's skill rarely sees use and it may be useful here. See last section for details.)

    Haggith is a little cunt who is difficult to AAB, but significantly easier to manual. The trick in this fight is, every Overdrive debuffs you for 1t - when you are debuffed you Trigger her and get nuked. These "double Overdrives" are pretty much the entire fight. Hope that BP sticks and good luck!

    At 50% HP, the next Overdrive turns into a nasty nuke. At the same time, Haggith will remove all debuffs from herself and give herself 3x Atk Up buffs (self-Cleanse and Atk buffs will happen only once across the entire raid - NOT per person!). I have not seen the Atk buffs make much of a difference, but that could be because Dark has good access to Dispel these days (Agaliarept, Selene). The problem is the removal of debuffs. With no Atk Downs and no BP, Haggith will be a massive pain. So, there are two ways to approach this:
    1. If anyone brings Chernobog (or Eternal Serpent) then this happens AFTER Stun, during normal phase. This means that Haggith will be significantly less angry even though BP is no longer applied.
    2. If her Rage Bar isn't cut and there is even one person who isn't paying attention, this will happen at the latter stages of Rage. If you can push her into Stun, that is a very safe time to reapply debuffs. The problem is, a Raging Haggith without BP is no joke - so can you?
    You can't really control how the raid controls Haggith's Rage Bar, so you're getting one of the above. Good luck!

    Dark Guardian Aratoron

    Relative difficulty to other Guardians: A joke.
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    Vicissitudes of Fortune: Debuffs are important, and VoF will make everyone in the raid hit them much more often. Light has great access to all debuffs, so you might as well bring this, I guess.

    AAB. Win. Bring Andromeda I guess.

    I have no words about Aratoron. I am pretty sure that if you put 170m more HP on Ult Dark, it would be a harder fight than this guy. With whopping four bubbles, Aratoron takes ages to Overdrive, and when she does... ... nothing happens. Okay then. Collect your Treasure and go kill the next one.
    I guess the worst thing that can happen in this fight is that the normal Overdrive will hit the exact same Hime with all three hits, which may or may not result in instant death. That wouldn't be very scary with two bubbles, but with four, it's just a joke.

    Phantom Guardian Och

    Relative difficulty to other Guardians: Hard.
    Recommended Ex-skills:
    Black Propaganda: Bring this, for the love of god!!!
    Vicissitudes of Fortune: All elements have rather poor access to this. It is a very good thing to have against Och as she is slightly debuff resistant, and thanks to your guaranteed elemental advantage VoF will probably near-guarantee debuffs. Just remember to bring BP over VoF if a Hime is not bringing it.

    Och is a little bit special in how she costs no AP or materials to summon. However, you can host Och only after clearing your own Guardian host, once per day (you have a minor chance from every Guardian after). This "right" to spawn Och doesn't seem to expire though, so make sure your Union members clear a Guardian daily BEFORE your Burst Hour.

    Now then, let's get the biggest the problems out of the way: the loot. THE LOOT IS AWFUL. Basically only the host and MvP are rewarded. So if you see an Och up which you cannot MvP anymore... just forget it. This is absolutely retarded, and is probably the very reason why they'll implement purple chests in ~August. With purple chests, Och will probably be worth it. For now, MvP gets 1-3 pages (ish?) and one book (SR or SSR), host gets 1-4 pages (ish?). And everyone else gets NOTHING.

    As for the fight itself, Och only has one bubble. The Overdrives go Dark -> Wind -> Fire -> Light -> Water -> Thunder -> Phantom, repeat. The seventh Phantom Overdrive will decimate you if you don't 90%+ damage cut it (though I think it is slightly less than AQ5 last boss Overdrive, which is kinda funny). Each Overdrive has additional effects to them, but eh, this isn't a detailed guide. The point is, it is really difficult to do this fight with Thunder for example, since the second Overdrive already will be truly devastating. Light/Dark or Water (for Cthulhu!) are recommendable.

    Short version: Bring your strongest team, AAB, hope that enough people join to kill the damn thing before it casts doomsday on everyone. People are more likely to care once purple chests are implemented.

    Last edited by Slashley; 06-21-2020 at 09:13 AM.

  3. #3

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    Slashley, I think you made an error on the Ultimate fragments rewards

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by Delete View Post
    Slashley, I think you made an error on the Ultimate fragments rewards
    Did I?

    I mean them as stuff that stacks. If you get MvP, you get 3 Fragments. You're also part of "Everyone" so you get 2 Fragments, for a total of 5 Fragments. Maybe that's just me wanting to be more complicated that necessary?

  5. #5
    1)about ulti drop change - we will keep regalia for hosting + chance for another, even if you join + guaranted fragments (up to 5)+ chance for 2-3 extra fragments + new currency (dragon orb, pages, phantom weapons etc) + t3-t4 stars +some garbage like sr fodder weapon, exp currency
    2) wind ulti is debuff immune... Yama aw just didn't knew about it. in other cases it's almost true.
    3) thunder ulti hits hard... disagree, even Frigg is more then enough to keep hp at about 100% during aab with -50/50. Water/light hits much harder comparing to thunder. Dark will be nerfed somedays, it's solo aab-able now even with off-element. Top team is Shingen, X, Eros aw, Sol aw, Mike aw. X is Tishia or damage dealer like Vishnu etc (I guess that Tishia is #1 because we have 0 def debuff in other case). This team makes almost impossible to fail during dark ulti/rag (excluding if you kill only 1 add on rag and keep second alive ). Unfortunately I have only Eros and Tishia. Mike is must have to make Eros work properly. Her aw will be this winter just like raid rework (i don't remember exact date). Block a debuff + get 20 charge bar to everyone after each burst is a good strategy to win dark ulti/rag.

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by Delete View Post
    Ok, I see what you mean, but this is not the way I see it.
    Just for the record...I have been able to solo Dark Ultimate for a long time, but I still have problems with the Light one. Playstyle things and all that.
    I don't think it's playstyle... I was talking about AAB. More like available Hime, maybe? Speaking of which, I'd love to know to your Light team (and main Eidolon). It certainly isn't impossible, but it's likely to be... improbable that even veterans can solo it? I mean, I'm pretty sure that I couldn't (reliably) solo it if I didn't have specifically Sol.

    And yes, Ult Light is rough to solo because she keeps removing Hime one by one.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post

    Please kindly do not refer to or link to my old post. It's not updated (even by pre-nerf standard) nor I have any intention to update it. Thank you.
    You know how the internet works. Once you put something up there, it's up there. Forever.

    That said, I'm willing to remove such linking... when something better is available. Until then...
    Quote Originally Posted by Mraktar View Post
    1)about ulti drop change - we will keep regalia for hosting + chance for another, even if you join + guaranted fragments (up to 5)+ chance for 2-3 extra fragments + new currency (dragon orb, pages, phantom weapons etc) + t3-t4 stars +some garbage like sr fodder weapon, exp currency
    Cool, that sounds like an upgrade.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mraktar View Post
    2) wind ulti is debuff immune... Yama aw just didn't knew about it. in other cases it's almost true.
    Wasn't Awakened Yamaraja guaranteed debuffs? That's become a thing over on DMM. For us, the very first one that we'll see will be an Eidolon effect in ~two weeks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mraktar View Post
    3) thunder ulti hits hard... disagree, even Frigg is more then enough to keep hp at about 100% during aab with -50/50.
    Well you see, there's a liiiiittle problem with that. We don't have Frigg until ~two weeks from now. Also, you're talking about post December nerf Ults, I assume? I don't know if Ult Thunder gets hit by those nerfs (oh dear user who kept the DMM patch notes up on the DMM wiki, why did you stop? We need that shit since Nutaku DOESN'T EVEN GIVE US THE FUCKING PATCH NOTES in the first place!!!), but it's fully possible that her damage output was nerfed. Also, I don't want to rely on giving advice on very specific, singular Hime such as Frigg. We can't rely on people having those Hime, so we shouldn't give advice that relies on that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mraktar View Post
    -- Top team is Shingen, X, Eros aw, Sol aw, Mike aw. --
    "Hey, there is a perfect, specific full SSR team that can do X, why don't you just do that?" is not very helpful, sadly. Especially since Eros Awakening isn't here until four months from now.

    I mean, I fully realize that my advice for Wind Ult isn't much better, but if anyone has any advice that isn't basically "Oh just bring T4 Shingen, Uriel AW, Vahagn, Haruhi, Fire Frey and it's easy"... well, please share it with me.

  7. #7

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    Ok, I see what you mean, but this is not the way I see it.
    Just for the record...I have been able to solo Dark Ultimate for a long time, but I still have problems with the Light one. Playstyle things and all that.
    Either way, a great help. I didn't know about some of those strategies, like Thunder Ragnorok one. This can be a great help to many people.

  8. #8

    Please kindly do not refer to or link to my old post. It's not updated (even by pre-nerf standard) nor I have any intention to update it. Thank you.

  9. #9
    I have some additional tips and comments that hopefully will be of some value to others:

    Fighting disaster ults in general:

    When you're a weak player, bringing atk down is important, not just def down (exception to wind 'cos of high debuff immunity and dark, 'cos DoT is unaffected by atk down.)

    If you have a good healer and have some ascension in your grid, you can actually turtle through or live much much longer in most ults if you can hit 50% atk down or close to it (BP still required in many fights.)

    If you're manual-ing and not strong enough to brute-force through, Joan is generally better than Andromeda - dmg cut mitigates a lot more dmg than a heal can top up. They're not mutually exclusive though - I ran Joan with Sol AW for a long time and it works really well.

    Fire ult:

    Having access to cleanse is a plus, 'cos fire ult can debuff you, and eating an OD with the debuffs is pretty painful. Also, unless your hp is really high, atk down is very useful in fire ult - more useful than dmg cut or heal 'cos even with BP, OD frequency is very high.

    Fire rag:

    Actually, if you can't find a big enough group, killing the top add is a priority. It makes surviving past 10T possible if the top add is dead. You don't want to keep getting the def down debuff from the top add though, so you save your abilities and FB for the top add and attack the main boss otherwise. Also, only target the top add only when the main boss is not about to OD - you can't cleanse the def down between the top add debuffing you and the main boss attacking. Alternatively, you can use affliction block (which is what I do, since Eros is a staple in my team.)

    Once top add is dead, just target the main boss. DO NOT also kill the second add, that'll just make things harder.

    Water ult:

    You can fight fire with fire (or more like fight water with water) and turtle up yourself if you have lots of atk down and ascension in your grid.

    For the high dmg 2-hit at 30% hp, there're actually lots of ways to counter it - anyone with cover will eat both, so you lose only one hime instead of two. If you have Gaia AW, or create something equivalent, you lose zero himes. Examples are Attar + Kubera, Kushinada + Otohime (not ideal, since that pair is very very weak), or just anyone with cover + Joan MEX skill; if you have Morgan, you can do the inverse and put induced asylum on anyone that has nullify; I think Andro's MEX fortitude on someone with cover works, too if I'm not mistaken. If you're on AAB, just put two offensive himes in your sub slots that can give you one final push - this is actually one of the reasons why I put Metatron and Takeminakata in subs for my universal AAB team.

    Water rag:

    I hate fighting this thing - slow at the beginning of the fight 'cos of all the defensive buffs and stalling debuffs, and slow at the end when everyone too lazy to fight comes and leech causing massive lag.

    Anyway, there is a way to bypass the add's 50% trigger if you have enough ppl and are coordinated - everyone save their nukes and the strongest player save their FB right before the add hits half health. Then everyone unleash their nukes and the strongest player FB after everyone fires their nukes - if you kill the add in one turn, you can bypass the trigger - the FB + nukes needs to do over 15m dmg basically. I think it also works if you manage to paralyze the add, then everyone can take their turns normally.

    Wind ult:

    The no debuffs isn't actually that bad, since wiult has less hp than most of the other ults to make up for it. Her dizzy and atk down are much more annoying than debuff-resistant in my experience, since it can mess with your burst cycle.

    If you have himes that can taunt + intercept, those are very good for wiult, since a lot of dmg in wiult comes from regular attacks due to her combo buffs and lack of any abilities outside of OD.

    Wind rag:
    No comment right now, I don't see these much these days for some reason.

    Thunder ult:

    I don't remember thunder ult hitting that hard. Fult has always been the hard-hitting one iirc. Thunder is easy to debuff, so I used to just bring a full set of 50% def and atk down with blind thrown on top with my light team. The annoying thing about thunder is that if you're not careful, you can get caught in an infinite paralysis loop, 'cos her raging OD has 2T paralyze, and if you didn't bring BP, she'll OD again in 2T. BP ensures that you won't be caught in that loop. If you're on AAB, affliction block is nice to have (cleanse is not that reliable, 'cos your cleanser can get paralyzed, and cleanse timing is often wrong on AAB.)

    Thunder rag:

    Bring dmg mitigation and a team that has decent hp. It is pretty rare to be in a trag where everyone is smart enough to leave the dragon in stun (a lot of ppl AAB-ing maybe?) so you gotta be ready for the main boss zapping.

    Oh, and my experience is that Andro is still useful even when the boss starts zapping, assuming ppl have some basic defensive measures and put atk down on the main boss.

    Light ult:

    If you're solo-ing at a low power level, do not request support so you can wait out the buffs. If you stack up enough atk down and bring dmg cut, you can survive the death beams as long as the dmg cut hime/soul doesn't get killed. Alternatively, use cover/nullify combos I described in wault to last a little longer. Only request support once your formation has completely fallen apart.

    If you wait the buffs out, save your abilities and FB for after the boss rages and buffs expired. If you don't want to wait the buffs out, use them right before the boss rages ('cos the buffs include defensive buffs.) The idea is to finish the last half of the boss in as few turns as possible.

    If you're AAB-ing, have strong subs ready.

    Light rag:

    Oh boy... If I wasn't a light main, I wouldn't even bother hosting these.

    Most important thing to note with lrag especially if you're not strong enough to carry: DO NOT take more than 6T unless you see the main boss raging already. Anyone taking the 7th turn will instantly cause the main boss to rage, and then the main boss will make all the adds rage, too.

    Out of all the rags, lrag hates weak players the most, 'cos if you and your friends can't kill the top add within 6T, you've basically lost. The raging top add buffs everything such that you deal half dmg, and the main boss can kill off a 20k hp hime at full health with NORMAL attacks if it TAs with full buffs on someone with archer's mark. Sure, go ahead and dispel, there're 6 buffs to dispel, and if you dispel any pair of buffs, the top add immediately reapplies it if ANYONE takes a turn. Top add also cleanses one debuff on raging OD, and if you have multiple ppl in the raid AAB-ing, none of the debuffs will stay on. So, kill the top add in 6T, otherwise you're basically sitting ducks.

    Also, don't underestimate the bottom add. Kill it after the top add. Getting hit with the archer's mark on still hurts even without the top add's buffs. Once both adds are dead, the main boss is basically a souped up version of raging light ult, which isn't too bad as long as a few strong players join.

    Disclaimer: if you ever join a lrag I host, you'll notice that I break the do not take 7th turn rule - that's 'cos I lost so many lrag I host that I started doing crazy things, and unless you're as crazy as I am, do not attempt it.

    Dark ult:

    Bring Sol AW. This thing is pretty hard without her. Also consider using Barong instead of St. Nick as main eido - the dark resistance helps reduces the number of debuffs sticking to you - it's rng yes, but over the course of a normal dult battle, there're probably hundreds of debuff counts, and statistically it'll noticeably tilt things in your favor with more resistance.

    If you're manual-ing, save your nukes and FB until the boss is at full orbs - you want to stun it at full orbs as that will stop the boss from spamming debuffs, giving you time to recover (if you've already opened up your raid, then just hope a lot of Andromedas join 'cos timing that stun is very hard with lots of ppl in the raid.)

    If you're too weak to reliably do a lot more than 50k dmg every turn, just use your abilities and stop, so the boss doesn't regen more than you can dmg. Or even better, bring Naberius and cast zombie on the main boss so the 50k regen turns into a 50k DoT on the boss - make sure you bring your own cleanse or affliction block (SR Amon works fine), otherwise all the Andros in the raid will kill you quick.

    Dark rag:

    I actually do bring maiden's prayer to drags I host... But that's 'cos very few ppl join my drags...

    Anyway, if you have mastered dult, drag isn't that hard as long as you kill both rabbits at the same time. For whatever reason though, ppl just love to just focus on one rabbit. When I host, I always hold my abilities and FB when one rabbit is near dead, so I can burst down the other one to shorten the pain of dealing with a raging rabbit.

    Btw, a lot of ppl seem to not like dealing with the rabbits, so they only join when the raid is half-dead - roughly when both rabbits are dead or close to dead. If you don't have a group to support you, expect to pretty much solo the drag until you kill both rabbits.


    Sorry, didn't notice this before but:

    Quote Originally Posted by Mraktar View Post
    Dark will be nerfed somedays, it's solo aab-able now even with off-element. Top team is Shingen, X, Eros aw, Sol aw, Mike aw. X is Tishia or damage dealer like Vishnu etc (I guess that Tishia is #1 because we have 0 def debuff in other case). This team makes almost impossible to fail during dark ulti/rag (excluding if you kill only 1 add on rag and keep second alive ). Unfortunately I have only Eros and Tishia. Mike is must have to make Eros work properly. Her aw will be this winter just like raid rework (i don't remember exact date). Block a debuff + get 20 charge bar to everyone after each burst is a good strategy to win dark ulti/rag.
    Don't bring Vishnu to dult or drag... Aratron is fine 'cos no DoT there, but the DoT will clear Vishnu's buffs, so she just becomes a fast hime with nothing else to offer. And no, you can't count on Eros blocking all the debuffs, 'cos there're multiple ones in a single turn, and Eros can only block one per turn at most even after AW. Eros AW is February if taco follows DMM schedule, but who the heck knows with taco.

    Also, Iris is the best choice for X in that setup imo - strong debuff, fast, hits hard and don't have to worry about hp going down from ability use so just go full on AAB.
    Last edited by dreamlitz; 09-10-2019 at 03:18 PM.

  10. #10

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    Overall good points, but a few things:
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
    Also consider using Barong instead of St. Nick as main eido - the dark resistance helps reduces the number of debuffs sticking to you - it's rng yes, but over the course of a normal dult battle, there're probably hundreds of debuff counts, and statistically it'll noticeably tilt things in your favor with more resistance.
    Assuming that Barong even gives you debuff resistance - which it might but might not - I doubt it will matter? I mean, the fucker will spam those debuffs on you EVERY turn. And they last 10 turns. That's not really going to make a difference...?
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
    Or even better, bring Naberius and cast zombie on the main boss so the 50k regen turns into a 50k DoT on the boss - make sure you bring your own cleanse or affliction block (SR Amon works fine), otherwise all the Andros in the raid will kill you quick.
    Unless this has been changed, I don't think this happens. There used to be a raid boss that gave you Zombify and only your own heals would hurt you. Heals from raid members would heal for 0.
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
    Also, don't underestimate the bottom add. Kill it after the top add. Getting hit with the archer's mark on still hurts even without the top add's buffs.--
    How? I don't see it being possible to die to anything else except the main body beam spam. For which it just doesn't matter whether or not you have the Mark on you - you WILL die even without the mark unless you have like 90%+ Damage Cut. If it's true that Light Rag will no longer Rage from just turns and the beam spam will scatter... THEN that will start to matter.

    Unless there's something that I am missing, seeing as my Dark Grid is extremely tanky.

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