Quote Originally Posted by Geo View Post
So I feel the toptier meta is more about whoever got the P2W than about who built the best grid or unlocked a certain Soul.
Actually, I think you may be overestimating the power of P2W eidos relative to grid. Everyone can get 45% event eidos and use a 100% friend (if you don't have 100% friends, 'reroll' your friend list until you get one for competitive stuff like tower.) 30% from soul weapon, so the difference between owning and not owning a P2W is about 20% difference in dmg. The difference between a 'meta' and non-meta grid can be much greater depending on how you define those terms, so I'll just point out the following rough observations:

  • FLB-ing a weapon typically boosts its stats by around 10%, its assault by 30%+ (e.g. 21% vs 16% for large assault) and adds an entirely new skill, so going from full SSR to full FLB gives you enormous boosts in dmg and/or survivability
  • Typical hime weapons have stats roughly 15%-20% higher than event weapons and may also have triple skills upon FLB, so if you go from full f2p grid to full whale grid, it is another noticeable jump in power
  • Phantom grid of type matching the preference of your offensive himes/souls (e.g. for light it's lance or glaive, since Shingen, Lugh and Tish are lance users, and Hector, Iris, Vishnu are glaive users) is another noticeable boost in power (exact numbers are hard to calculate 'cos it depends on what you had to give up to make the grid and which himes you have.)

Anyway, tl;dr version is that having a well-planned grid is worth a lot more than a P2W eido. P2W eido is still a big deal, but you need a lot more than that if you're aiming for leader boards or something.

I recently got my first P2W and MLB-ed her right away, but I'm still nowhere near being able to outrace the top tier players for MVP in rags - my Shingen on manual lost to someone's Andro on AAB... Noodle on that a bit and think about how big a difference the grid must be making for that to be possible (for reference, I had 2 hime FLB and 4 event FLB in my grid, no phantom - not meta but not too terrible I think?)

The game is still plenty fun to me even if I can't outrace ppl though. This game is a long grind, so hopefully ppl are at least enjoying the journey of getting stronger over time and finding many fun moments like MVP-sniping top tier players while they're afk or got Niked =)