Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
I would argue that MLB Heca is a big upgrade over St. Nick and Barong, and 44% ascension and 24%/32% exceed on top of that is nothing to sneeze at - that's basically one FLB weapon's worth of skills, and remember, the upgrade can get better since I still have 3 weapons that are not FLB-ed. Is it as big an upgrade as a P2W? No, I don't think so, but I don't think anyone is claiming that it is. I will assert though, that by the time you are ready to challenge Olympia raids, your grid will probably be around or stronger than mine, so the Olympia eido will be a big upgrade over whatever you're using unless it's a P2W.
This right here is the basic progression that you get from the Olympia Eidos. They are better than all other Eidos, so they are a step up. Other grids (my experience is Light and Thunder) have the ability to go 3/3/3- 3 Assault/Defender, 3 Assault/Exceed, and 3 Assault/Ascension. That's a very viable spread of damage, hitpoints and sustain. For Light it's a single miracle Ticket (Sol) and basically UE weapons. For Thunder it's a couple SSR lances (pride/ascension) and bricks (which players get... it's not like they're non-existent).

I don't believe these a space whale levels... while they can take the tactics to extreme, you can still employ the weapon layout above and get a grid that might not snipe, but can plow through Rags effectively and, more importantly for the non-space whales, consistently and constantly. This should allow you to not die in a raid... and constant presence (with no reduction in assault capability) increases your overall damage done and makes it easier to complete the Rags. The above spread, with or without an Olympia Eido, will allow you to farm the current highest content (with help). If you're a space whale... maybe solo.


P.S. The Tenpo exchange gives Thunder a 3skill gun (assault, ascension, vigor), Light a 3skill staff (defender, ascension, vigor), and Wind a 3skill glaive (defender, pride, pride). These weapons are what makes Olympia Eidos the go to Eido for everyone who doesn't have a 100% Element Eido. You have the opportunity to have triple skill grids (without Hime weapons) and everyone gets a very good mix of skills. When mixed with old UE weapons or the new angel weapons which have massive assault, and a bricked Hime weapon or two you can have a weapon grid for nearly free that will allow you to do very very well. I apologize for not mentioning the other elements as I'm not playing those, but I'm sure they have options also.