Quote Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Let me sum up all this algebra:

Weapon grid is more important than having a p2w Eidolon when it comes to power up a team.

Having a p2w Eidolon is more important than whatever other options there are.

Olympian Eidolons will be the best option available for f2players. But again, the p2w ones are (generally, or always?) better.

Is that the correct conclusion?
No. Not always. Over here it's entirely possible to use a Guardian vigor grid + specific builds (i.e. Perseus' total shutdown build, i.e.2 Yorimitsu triple FB + couple rounds of NAtk during peak hour, where your frontloading dmg is so high the boss is dead before anyone else can finish their rotation) to outdmg decent 100% users. I've lost to a guy on my FL with nearly 10k less Atk power than my team does quite a few times. It all depends on team + weapon skills + real time control.

.... obviously this doesn't apply to space whales with 90~100k power grids but then they prolly wouldn't even use 100% and might just use Burst Streak summons instead...