QXZ, I just noticed that you don't have anything on efficient AAB builds yet in your main post, which I think may be helpful to add. It has saved me a lot of time at least since ppl pointed me to the way of Solomon. Here's my two cents on AAB efficiency:

  • For SP and main quests grind, get Solomon's key for your main element so her first ability becomes AoE. EX Rosenkreuz's AoE as well and you'll basically have 3 AoE abilities to clear exactly 3 rooms (Solomon's ring isn't technically AoE but once you're somewhat strong, it is essentially AoE for these grinds)
  • If your single attacks can kill mobs, green AB is actually slightly faster than Solomon red AAB 'cos Solomon's ring animation is kinda long and often she casts the ability dmg up skill, which slows things down unnecessarily (however, red AAB Solomon has the advantage of doubling as leveling team, so you waste less time and AP on exp caves on Sundays)
  • If you're a true efficiency freak, your farm team should have max drop rate accessories but NO tiara sets and ideally no DATA whatsoever - DATA-ing is extra animation for overkill dmg that does nothing but slows things down
  • For standard raids, Solomon can nuke it down by herself pretty easily
  • For expert raids, it is slightly harder to nuke it down with just Solomon, in which case put himes with lots of red abilities right after Solomon and order by debuff himes first (or if you don't mind clicking a little more, manually debuff first then AAB Solomon)
  • If you run alts, it's best to do the daily grind together so you click AAB while the other is on loading screen as that's often the bottleneck as Slashley mentioned

Quote Originally Posted by QXZ View Post
Set a Budget
Set a budget how much you are willing to spend in respect of time or money into this game. Do not burn yourself out! Many players drop out of the game because of this.
Also try your best not to compare with others (which admittedly is incredibly difficult for online games.) There are a lot of very active vets in this game, and trying to catch up to them quickly will require you to play KH full-time as well as bankrupt you from whaling. Set goals that are realistic for your budget and try to have fun from the journey as well.

Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
As I said in another thread, you need ~120833 Jewels to find a top tier Hime from the gacha. Not exact maths, but just as a case of point. The point is, is that 3000 Jewels really going to do jackshit for you?
Non-top tier himes can still be useful though. At the very least, useful in tower; good dupes may actually be worth more than a hime for end-game, and any dupes give you eyes, which is 1/20 brick if you have absolutely no other use for it. Using 1.8%, you get a SSR hime per 16,666 jewels on average, which is about 1.5 months-ish worth of events, less if you rank well in competitive stuff and from login bonuses and what not. As long as the law of large numbers applies, you'll get your share of SSR balls eventually.

If you really have no use for a particular advent eido/weapon, they're just orbs and fodder, so a fraction of a chance of getting something that cannot be farmed is indeed more useful imo (although the eido and first weapon are pretty cheap to farm anyway.) Gacha is a lottery, but it's better to play the lottery than to get fodder you can get elsewhere, no?

Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
But no, they run a special about being able to buy a measly 20 for 30 bucks every couple of months. And you're limited to two packs! That's 40 Magnas, when you need 60 for a ONE SINGLE SSR HIME! It's absolutely insane when you think about it. Why are they choking the playerbase if they're not trying to exploit them...?
Slightly off-topic but the funniest thing I found about that gacha is that they advertised it as something to help with the advent boss: if you're struggling with the advent boss, you won't have any good accessories and having one slot unlocked with some unleveled accessories isn't gonna help you much