Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
-- but actually only heals 20% hp, so you can't even make full use of her heal unless your hp is at least 10k. --
ALL Heals and Regens in Kamihime work like that. ALL of them Heal for x% of max HP.

However. This "x" is extremely high. Like, I wouldn't wonder if SR Nike - you know, the Hime you start the game with! - healed for 50%. Is that a fact? Well... no. Because these numbers aren't really recorded anywhere, since they're SO HIGH it's hard to find the breakpoint before you already reach the healing cap! I also call bullshit on that mere 33% from SSR Sol. That sounds reeaaally low and would require 5454 max HP to cap. Well, I guess everyone had that at the point that Sol Awakening came to be a thing... the original 1500 Heal would then require 4545 max HP to cap. Which is easy to reach with just a SSR Eidolon Grid. But again - I really doubt that it's as low as 33%. The only thing I've EVER not hit cap with was Belobog's Regen. Which I think is 4% per tick, at 300 max. This would require 7500 HP to max out, which is something that I absolutely didn't have against Dullahan, despite having played the game for a couple of months at that point.

Thus, because of the way that Kamihime Heals work, increasing your Healing done is pointless - instead, increasing the cap is what matters. This is why the Kaiser passive effect is useless, since you're always capped on your Heals and it doesn't increase that cap.

As far as Atum goes... you do realize that 10k HP is trivial to reach these days, right? Most F2P teams are running 12k-18k HP, and whales are running 10k+ base HP on their Souls - and that's obviously before any Defender they may or may not be running! Regardless - sure, let's say that Atum actually DOES need this increased Heal amount. That's still exactly ONE HIME in the entire game. Is it really necessary to inform players of the interaction of that one single Hime, when for everyone else they reach the cap easily anyway?
Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
Checked it against JP wiki, it looks fine to me: Pride (++) at SL20 is 10% base assault + 20% pride multiplier; assault at SL20 is 10% base assault with no pride multiplier, so it becomes 10%+10% / 20%+0% = 20%/20%.
Soooo... you're saying that you intend your spreadsheet to be read like "20% at full HP, and add 20% when at low HP"? Oh, okay. I don't see the reason why you would make your readers run through minor mental exercises like that instead of just presenting them a "20% at full, 40% at low", but fair enough, I guess?
Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
-- If you like to eat OD to build burst, the pride effect gets amplified by your burst multiplier and can add up to a lot of dmg.--
Something like this is never reliable, universal information though. Triggers and Overdrives may allow for that in some content, but won't allow for it in a lot of it.

Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
The %healing is straight addition to all healing values for nearly every Hime I have. The cap is 100% additional healing (4 thunder guns). You should try out ascension; you might not be understanding how it works correctly.
See above, I'm pretty certain you're the one who doesn't understand the basics of how Heals work in Kamihime. Which is no surprise, as few people do thanks to the Heal % is so high and the caps are so low.

Again, increasing Healing done does nothing for you. The important part is increasing the cap which is extremely low - once the cap is raised, you will have enough HP to get the full Heal anyway. Oh, and the Ascension cap is 200%, meaning triple the amount Healed. So you get Andros healing from 1600 -> 4800 in raids.
Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
That problem goes away when every other weapon in your grid is a double assault weapon --
So, if double Assault weapons are so plentiful and easy to get... why not just fill your Grid with them?

Oh right, it's because they're not that easy to come by and you're talking dreams out of your ass. For example:
Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
What would you have a grid of 6 assault/defender and 3 assault/exceed weapons (like lance in light) or a grid with 1 defense+ 3 assault/exceed and 6 assault/ascension/vigoras weapons (phantom gun, 3 union thunder lances, 6 thunder guardian guns)?
Six Thunder Olympia Guns, huh. Let's see. Assuming that you get all four copies each month, you'll have yourself done in six months - assuming that you grind yourself through 350 Thunder Olympia raids. Every. Single. Month. And that's just ONE element. So you'd be done in... June if you managed that 350 raids in the last week of 2019, but more likely in July 2020. And let me remind you - that's 2100 raids over this timespan, worth of 10500 Seeds. And all of your loot goes towards those specific weapons - and nothing else. Meanwhile, what about the rest of your elements?

Of course, you can say that you'll just run them at low Limit Breaks. Feasible. If we lower it to just two Guns per month, you'll have your set of six weapons at 0-Stars in March/April. This has the added benefit of only requiring 100 raids per month (500 Seeds per month, down from 1750 Seeds per month). But you're still running a Phantom Gun Grid with six 0-Star weapons, which is... not... the best of ideas.

Are you seeing the problems of reality yet? This is assuming the same droprate as Magnas, which I don't know will it be the case or not.

But we're not even done yet. Leaving aside the irony of still leaving old UE weapons (that aren't accessible anymore and we only ever got two out of) in this ideal, fantasy Grid of yours... if anyone is going to commit so big on Thunder, why wouldn't they... I dunno, make use out of those Marduk (Assault(+)/HP(+)/Exceed) and Raiko (Assault(++)/Pride) Hammers? I mean, over the period of six months, there are going to be three Towers. And that's 3x 15000 Medals - just one Tower away to FLB both of those. At least it's easy to think where the Marduk Hammer goes, as they're a straight-up upgrade compared to UE Lances. I'd say replace the non-existing one.
You also forgot to include Soul weapon. You're not going to run Dartagnan with an Olympia Gun, right? ... right?

tl;dr; You have your head in the clouds. I'm not sure what you're basing your theorycrafting on, but I'm preeeeetty sure it isn't reality.

And posting this, I see that you edited your second post from just a one-liner into something bigger. Don't have the time to read it right now, will comment on it after sleep+work.