Quote Originally Posted by Yukarichan View Post
This thunder weapon trash? Isnt assault large pretty good?
Well, i wont use it as fodder...my first ssr thunder weapon with assault.
It's filler like any other raid weapons since it doesn't have FLB. If you have nothing better, it is usable because it has assault, correct, and the stats are okay, nothing special - still a decent upgrade to SR disaster weapons at least. Thunder sword grid isn't really a thing though, so you can't really use it as a stepping stone to transition into a stronger phantom grid either.

If you're serious about thunder and not looking to invest a ton of bricks in it, you want to farm Phul guns when she comes out (should be this month barring Taco original content rearing its ugly head.) Don't expect Phul to roll over and die as easily as the guardians we've seen so far though.