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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    It's... okay. Better than a SR, I guess. But if you already have a slvl20 SR Disaster Assault weapon, the upgrade is rather insignificant.
    The stats on that glaive is actually very solid though. Much better than the wind disaster bow. This glaive is one of the few 2nd weapons that I'm actually excited about 'cos it fits in really well with Bethor glaive grid as you've mentioned. I guess if you don't have Azazel and never intend to mtix her, then yeah, this weapon is just filler, but if gacha ever randomly throws you Azzy, it's a pretty sweet weapon to have - I guess what I'm saying is, just don't fodder it, leave it in the shop if you want to save inventory space or something.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukarichan View Post
    I havent farm or upgraded any sr raid weapon besides dark. I think my dark grid will be finished or almost finish at the end of december so i am thinking of collecting good weapon and upgrade them later.

    Any recommendation of what light guardian weapon i should get?
    Depends what you want to do with your team. It's not really ideal to build most of your grid out of Hagith weapons unlike some of the other guardians. If you missed the old UE, you'll want the glaive for exceed. If you want to be a raid healer, the staff is actually very good for that, but don't expect to deal much damage with it, 'cos building a staff grid out of just Hagith staffs will overload you on vigor with little room for assault. The sword just plain sucks - light sword grid isn't really a thing either.

    Best f2p light grid I can think of that can actually hit stuff is a hammer grid - some combination of Sphinx hammers, Nandi hammers (will get reprinted next year) and Helichef hammers (no reprint yet for that one, so unclear if we'll ever get FLB for it.) Get your exceed from Hagith glaives if no UE axes.

  2. #2

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    oh, they released Perkele suuuuuper early lmao... original content again... she's supposed to come out after new years during the first seraph UE
    but fuck it, she's OP and hot... v nice v nice
    selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.

    has at least 1 SSR of each element.

    rank 41 .
    pm me teehee xox

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitty View Post
    oh, they released Perkele suuuuuper early lmao... original content again... she's supposed to come out after new years during the first seraph UE
    but fuck it, she's OP and hot... v nice v nice
    They're in the banner, but they're not actually out, though?
    I guess we'll see in ~4 days.

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    They're in the banner, but they're not actually out, though?
    I guess we'll see in ~4 days.
    naw. they'll be out. the episodes are already released in english.
    selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.

    has at least 1 SSR of each element.

    rank 41 .
    pm me teehee xox

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitty View Post
    naw. they'll be out. the episodes are already released in english.
    Released? Released where?

  6. #6

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  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitty View Post
    I see. Datamined, I assume.

    Also, fun fact - that place is better for reading stories than the actual game itself. Cool.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
    The stats on that glaive is actually very solid though. Much better than the wind disaster bow. This glaive is one of the few 2nd weapons that I'm actually excited about 'cos it fits in really well with Bethor glaive grid as you've mentioned. I guess if you don't have Azazel and never intend to mtix her, then yeah, this weapon is just filler, but if gacha ever randomly throws you Azzy, it's a pretty sweet weapon to have - I guess what I'm saying is, just don't fodder it, leave it in the shop if you want to save inventory space or something.

    Depends what you want to do with your team. It's not really ideal to build most of your grid out of Hagith weapons unlike some of the other guardians. If you missed the old UE, you'll want the glaive for exceed. If you want to be a raid healer, the staff is actually very good for that, but don't expect to deal much damage with it, 'cos building a staff grid out of just Hagith staffs will overload you on vigor with little room for assault. The sword just plain sucks - light sword grid isn't really a thing either.

    Best f2p light grid I can think of that can actually hit stuff is a hammer grid - some combination of Sphinx hammers, Nandi hammers (will get reprinted next year) and Helichef hammers (no reprint yet for that one, so unclear if we'll ever get FLB for it.) Get your exceed from Hagith glaives if no UE axes.
    I only have 1 sphinx hammer atm (messed out about MLB, didnt know about MLB need event mats as well lol), i can get light gun from epic quest as well. With that said, which hagith weapon should i get first?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukarichan View Post
    I only have 1 sphinx hammer atm (messed out about MLB, didnt know about MLB need event mats as well lol), i can get light gun from epic quest as well. With that said, which hagith weapon should i get first?
    That's unfortunate. Sphinx hammer is one of the best f2p light weapons. I can think of two other grids that are still open to you though: glaive grid, which is decent but requires you to farm a lot of Hagiths, or gun grid - which frankly sucks but is easy to complete:

    Glaive grid is 3 Hagith glaives, labyrinth glaive (comes out about a year from now) and Solomon/Medea/Siegfriend/Hector glaive. You can use the ori glaive or a 4th Hagith glaive as filler until we get light labyrinth. If you are open to investing bricks in light, Vishnu wheel is top tier. Note that if you missed the old UEs and don't have any UE axe, you pretty much have to farm Hagith glaives anyway if you want to be even somewhat competitive, so it may not be much incremental work to complete this grid.

    Gun grid is 2 Barong guns (1 from epic quest, then 4 months of buying from ori shop for 2nd MLB), Helichef gun, Nandi gun plus whatever random SR gun, maybe the prism shark guns since light doesn't have that many good SR guns either (best is probably Forseti? Or you can spend 4 more months for another Barong gun...) Neither Sol gun nor Arty gun are worth bricking imo. None of these guns have FLB, so they're not great, this is a better-than-no-planning type grid but it's easy to build - it just requires you to farm all the 2nd weapons from light advents and spend 8 ori or so on it.

    As for Hagith weapons, glaive is still the one you want if you don't have the UE axe, regardless of whether you're doing glaive grid or not.

    EDIT: just realized that this is the Stolas thread... We should probably move this to general Q&A if you have further questions.
    Last edited by dreamlitz; 11-27-2019 at 10:27 AM.

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