Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
I need it to complete my water hammer ascension grid, it's either this or a SR hammer, 'cos that's all I have. SR defender hammer is strictly inferior to seraph hammer, and SR assault hammer will hit slightly harder (higher assault but lower stats) but I prefer higher HP in turtle builds for safety.
That "need" is a bit of strong word, don't you think? You don't need a Phantom Hammer to run a Ascension Grid.

And putting a shitty weapon into a shitty Grid for a Phantom effect isn't going to do much, either. You're gaining 30% Assault and 30% HP (plus base stats on those Hammers) for the cost of 26% stats. Yeah, sure, it's an improvement. But it's not exactly anything groundbreaking, especially considering the complete waste of materials going into that Hammer.