About fire - Yama aw is a core hime too because a lot of wind content is debuff resistant, and Yama says "resistance? what is this word mean?". Actualy my team after her aw had a chance to fail wind ulti solo aab from about 30% to 0 with the same grid.
Water - Vohu is #1, then Ctulhu aw as control/debuff, Shiva aw/Lakshmi as dd (Lakshmi deals more damage, but suicidal, Shiva lives longer and buffs a team, but Lakshmi still outdamages her even including her buff ). All heals are not a top tier so think about Asclepius in some situations. Ruy-oh is worse version of Ctulhu aw, Asherath aw is strong, but not a core, don't use her with Shiva (or play manualy and do their buffs separately).
Wind - Azzy aw seems to be a #1. Frigg is a core too. Good damagers are QB and CC aw. Arianrod is a goddess of UE because paralyze and is good elsewhere too, just cast s3-s2 before AAB. If your team is already fast - Aether is great buffer. Gaja is strong, but situational - she deals not much damage, but is very useful on hard battles if you play manualy. Oh, and don't forget about Hastur aw, that will be not so soon - she is strong too (idk is she a core or not).
Top wind soul seems to be t4 Shingen.