Well it looks like the free gacha campaign is over and personally I'm glad I came back to this game after some months away and TBH I'm not used to any form of gacha games being this generous to it's playerbase over christmas to the start of the new year giving out free shit.

There are one or two games out there (which I won't name) that have been as generous as Nutaku/dmm games and others flat out that don't give a shit about it's playerbase and have quite frankly been greedy.

But honestly I'm grateful for this game existing, to the advice and honesty from the playerbase on the forums from the knowledge and advice shared and really I'm having fun.

I've never played a game like this before where it gives you constant content to the point it takes a day to get everything I need to get done with the limited +9 tries accessory quests, to comfortably doing catastrophe raids solo and leveling up my himes. Feels like I've got so much to do but at the sametime barely scratched the surface.

That aside, from the free campaign daily 10 pulls to (if you have spent anything on anything extra) What did you get in the end? Any epic pulls? Are you satisfied and if you are or not does it make you look forward to this happening again next year?

For me my water team is now 90% complete and in the new year my most sort out hime is Cthulu or water Diana.
I now have a full fire team 3 of which are awakened but not max level (yet) and my last pull of the free gacha campaign was Amatersu, finally a healer!

Lastly my epic pulls came from premium tickets: Christmas sol for wind, Ares (fire) and then Nidhoggr and Dian Ceht.

I hope everyones luck was more fire then mine, that you had a great christmas and even better start to the new year \o/