Ah shit, double posting since this poor fellow got ignored and I missed the post the first time around.
Quote Originally Posted by bun View Post
hello this might be dumb but I don't know how to use this item. some SSR KH weapons only accept their copies and some SSR event weapons only materials. Please help

List of Brick-worthy SSR Weapons-.png
You should never use an item (that is to say "a brick" as we call them here) once a weapon has 3-stars to it already. You use bricks to get TO 3-stars, and then FLB it using other, readily available materials.

There are five different costs for limit breaking 3-star SSR weapons further:
1. Dragon Eye weapons (most notably VERY expensive for all mats)
2. Hime weapons (most notably somewhat expensive for all mats)
3. Advent weapons (most notably expensive for Advent mats WHICH YOU CANNOT FARM LATER)
4. Union event weapons (most notably expensive for T4 Crystals, which are candy these days)
5. Labyrinth weapons (most notably expensive for... nothing, really)

The Yatagarasu Gun you linked a picture for is an Advent weapon, so it falls into category #3. So you don't brick that, you just need to farm some Fire Ults and you can FLB that weapon.

I hope that helps, I'm not 100% sure what you asked so I kinda went into all directions.