Stuff I'll add:

>> The Anni raid event itself
Strictly speaking it's not really an Och raid...

At least, that's not our Och. And she's not even the main boss. You will be facing DiaborosU .... Alter, from a lost, alternate timeline.

Anyway you guys prolly won't care much about the story since lulztacotranslationslulz but it's actually a pretty good one ..... Oh w/e that's not the point. This event's story kick starts the next raid event that leads to the release of the newest 'Uber' summons, the Cats. Other maybe important stuff: ST event raid will be scrapped and Rag+ event raid will be added. Rag+ has 72m HP as standard, while Rag HP is reduced back to 10~13m ish.

>> New 'Uber' Catastrophe summons
They are the combination of Catastrophe's character and Guardians power. Both stat wise and lore wise. Currently the most powerful summons you can ever hope to have as they not only give you 50% boost to the corresponding weapon skills on your grid, you also get +20%/LB assault, up to 100% at MLB.

>> Heroics
Most of the stuff are covered but just to add the most important thing:
ALL Heroics enemies are immune to BP as well as the effects of any Action-Inhibiting debuff such as and not limited to charm and paralysis. You can still stick them but the enemies will just ignore it. The only exception thus far are the mobs from Heroic Monkey King Advent. Those mobs can be controlled. Also, the off element penalty is extremely high. The only time where off element clear was possible was for the very first one vs FCat because A) there was no time limit and B) there wasn't any mechanic to overwhelm endurance teams. Theoretically, off element clearing the 2nd Heroic which was the Monkey King *could* be possible, but I had not seen anyone pulling it off. One last exception was Heroic PewtonPython, where Thunder team was allowed to be used without penalty. Otherwise, forget about off element clears. It's mechanically impossible. ...You might also wanna unlock Paracelsus for some of the Heroics.

>> Titans (Hyperion & Atlas)
Hyperion is the basic version with 30 man limit, while Atlas is the hard version with 6 man limit.
275m and 400m HP respectively, and on initial release both are completely immune to BP and all forms of Atk/Def/Element debuffs, and when less than 50% health they also become immune to effects of all Action-Inhibiting debuff.
They have different basic attack pattern depending on phase as well as frequent HP based triggers that casually hits for 10k/random hit or 50k+ AoE dmg and that's without their attack buffs. For Atlas especially, please do everyone and yourself a favor and bring Roma.
Hyperion will be nerfed a few months later and become vulnerable to Atk/Def downs, but still immune to Element debuffs. Atlas does not get nerfed and remained the same (completely immune). Mats they dropped will be used to unlock + upgrade Lucent Weapons and the Zoids Machine Beasts. I won't comment on these features cuz they give me a headache.

>> Guardian+
Guardians with lackeys. Yay.
600m total HP. Off Element penalty. You *must* use advantage teams. Immune to Atk/Def debuff as well as effects of all Action-Inhibiting debuff. Vulnerable to Element debuffs. Monkey's shit excuse to bait people to whale for the new limited units that feature User-Only Element debuff that stacks with the normal Element debuff to hit cap. Drop Mats used for FLBing summons and G Weapons.
Did I mention the shitty drop rate for the work involved and the stupid amount of drops you need?
Happy farming.

>> Death of Tower
How to Kill Your Own Game 101. Yay.

And Hello. Yes, I'm bored. Don't mind me too much...