Hello, all! As the new year started, I decided to make a short list of "what to expect from 2021".

Info on Battlefields content - release of Lucent Weapons and FLB of Gacha Eidolons. Please!! Don't sell or fodder your SSR Weapons until implementation of that feature! Also, don't try to get a Lucent Weapon day one! Probably they will be released at an exorbitant price, like in DMM, and prices will be toned down in about a week after release.

Info on released SSR himes - in order to let you plan your MJ expenditure. I, for example, am saving MJ for Limited Edition Fire Tishtrya this February, then will hoard all until June for LE Fire Dagda...

Thunder Sol (LE)
Dark Nyarlathotep (LE)
Wind Vohu Manah
Fire Tishtrya (LE)

Light Ea

Water Agaliarept
Thunder Lugh
Light Poseidon

Wind Selene

Water Odin
Dark Aether

Fire Dagda (LE)
Thunder Ishtar
Wind Osíris (LE)

Dark Momoyo Kawakami (LE) collab, so we may not get her due to copyright issues
Light Anahít (LE)

Thunder Djehuty

Fire Thanatos
Liu Bei (LE) collab, so we may not get her due to copyright issues

Wind Saraswati
Dark Belenus (LE)

Water Jupiter
Thunder Iris (LE)

Light Ramiel

Info on SSR Eidolons - this year they will release the Catastrophe SSRs. They pretty much outclass Guardians, so consider saving your resources to roll for them at the time of your main element:

Water: -May 1st
Wind: - June 30
Fire: - July 31
Thunder: ~August 31
Light: ~September 15
Dark: ~October 29

Info on tower events - I and others plan the improvement of grids based on what the next tower will be:

Wind: -January 31
Fire: ~May 7
Dark: ~July 7
Water: ~September 8
Light: ~November 5

Work in Progress. Let me know what more you want to know in advance, and what else should I put in this 2021 Perspective