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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Battlefield of Weapons Megathread


    So Battlefield of Weapons has been out for a few days. Because this thing is... rather confusing, let's go through what the fuck it is and how the fuck it works. Now, please note that I am writing this just a few days after the (English) release of this feature, so I might very well get things wrong. I am using the DMM wiki to patch in some knowledge that I am unsure about, and their next anniversary seems to have changed some things.

    First off, the whole thing is split into two portions:
    1. Weapon Break, the singleplayer side used to farm all kinds of materials.
    2. Titan Hunt, the multiplayer side used to farm Deflection Steel, which can be converted (at outrageous rates) to all kinds of materials.

    Let's talk about Weapon Break:

    You can do one fight daily. Losing will probably return your attempt, but sorry, I am too strong to test this myself. Later, I believe it will be changed to 7 times/week for your convenience.

    There are two difficulties: Normal (3 trash mobs, 5.5m HP boss) and Hard (6 trash mobs, 15m HP boss). Normal drops are about half from Hard.

    In order to get the most materials in one go, you must:
    1. Pick the mission which has the EX mark on top of it on that day. Reward: 5 Pedestal Nanometals? (on Hard).
    2. Bring 7 characters which match the element indicated. Reward: 6 Cylinders of that element (on Hard).
    3. Bring 7 characters which match the weapon type indicated. Bonus: atk/def+ (+?%). Reward: 8 Jewel Memory of that weapon type (on Hard).
    Today, for example, we have this:

    The system is probably meant to teach you how Lucent weapons work, but honestly? All it does is teach how much organizing a team using a specific weapon SUCKS ASS. For example, I don't think that there are six Thunder Hime who prefer Bows implemented in the game, even if you DID have all the Hime!! Which means that you will either need to choose whether you want Cylinders (element team, used for Machine Beasts) or Jewel Memories (Bow team, used for Lucent Weapons). Notice that early June will bring a patch which gives all(?) Hime a second weapon type they prefer, which should double the amount of options. Still, be prepared that you will probably be running mainly SR and R teams in this content.

    If you can't bring 7 characters who match, the other tiers are 3 or 5 characters. Bringing 1-2 is pointless.

    If you don't fulfill these conditions, your rewards are... basically nothing. You get like 1-2 Nanometals, 1-2 random Cylinders and 1-2 random Jewel Memories.

    All enemies are Phantom. Debuffs work (maybe slightly resistant?). Trash mobs are random (and probably non-threatening), but bosses depend on what weapon type you fight. On Hard, the bosses have Triggers on turn 1, 4, 7, 10 and 15. The last one in particular tends to be rough, so try to finish before then. Short versions:
    Sword: 1 blob.
    Glaive: Combos a lot.
    Lance: Fucks with your burst bars.
    Axe: Keeps powering up.
    Staff: Cuts your HP by certain percentages, stacking HP does little.
    Hammer: Starts to murder you starting from turn 7.
    Gun: Debuffs you.
    Bow: Paralyses you.
    Arcane: Horrifying debuffs, including high DoTs, Burst/Ability Seals and Doom.

    Titan hunt. The raids, Hyperion and Atlas. These things each have their own wall of text, but these are common for both:

    These are serious shit, in particular Atlas. Here is a rough outline on what you should have. Notice! Especially for Hyperion, these are not a REQUIREMENT. But having these sure as hell doesn't hurt!
    1. Romulus, T4 Joan Soul.
    2. A Grid which provides you with 30k HP when using a Guardian (and each weapon also obviously needs Assault in it).
    3. A Hime with a damage cut.
    4. A Hime (or more) with heals.
    5. MLB Byakko for the last 10%.

    For Atlas, these two are also highly recommendable:
    6. MLB Genbu, in case somebody fucks up.
    7. Debuff Prevention, either from Kirin or from a Hime.

    Now, let's have look at the fights themselves. A lot of this has been taking from the English wiki. I am trying to keep these short, so if you want more details, look there.
    Hyperion raid:

    275m HP, 12 def, 100% debuff I M M U N E (against anything that matters). Because of that def and the outright debuff immunity, you can consider Hyperion to have about three times the tankiness of Guardian raids. And this is before his Def Up.

    Now, let's have a look at what he does for normal attacks:
    100% to 71%: Attacks twice. Notice that he has almost 100% triple attack rate, so he will probably punch two characters for... a lot.
    70% to 41%: Spread attacks. Remember, still almost 100% triple attack rate.
    40% to death: 20k single target, unable to combo attack. Cannot be mitigated with Intercept.

    Overdrives: The only thing you really need to know where is that during Rage, he uses Def Up. And at below 10%, all Overdrives are 25k AoE.

    First action: 5k AoE + maxed orbs. Takes priority over everything else. THIS MEANS THAT FIRST TURN IS ALWAYS SAFE.
    75%: 10x9k damage rape Trigger, single target. Can be mitigated with bursted Romulus (Soul weapon burst effect is -40% damage cut for Soul 3t) + raid Romulus damage cut (-60%) + Guard MEX, or just raid Romulus damage cut (-60%) and your Hime damage cut (-30% is fine).
    50%: 8x9k damage rape Trigger, single target. See above.
    25%: 60k AoE rape Trigger. Mitigate it or die.
    10%: 60k AoE rape Trigger. Mitigate it or die.
    About these Triggers, please notice that they only happen once, and if you join late, you don't get the previous ones. This means that if you join at 24%, you only need to worry about the second turn. If you join at 26%? I highly recommend you wait until 25% to take your second turn, or you will eat two murderous Triggers in a row (both 50% and 25%). Oh, and, these Triggers don't consume max orbs, so you're gonna eat that Overdrive after even if you try to manipulate the orbs.

    Right. Isn't that a fun fight? Basically, just bring Romulus and your own heals, AAB and hope that you don't wipe from any of the Triggers. Some people absolutely will just die at each Trigger. And even if you've fought for the thing for 30 minutes, it's fully possible that everyone will die in the last 10%. HAVE FUN.

    Oh yeah, and did I mention that your reward for fighting this thing is ~2 Deflection Steel, assuming you get a purple. Totally worth it! Host+MvP gets ~7 Deflection Steel + Aura Cube. In other words, the devs created content which encourages you to not bother helping others (ESPECIALLY if you can't get purple anymore). In a raid fight which absolutely can wipe you in the last 10%. Thanks devs!!

    Hyperion gets nerfed in August, about five months from now. You will be able to inflict atk and def downs, which make the fight far easier to survive AND kill. You will still not be able to inflict BP or elem res- against him.

    Or you know what? You can just forget the entire wall of text above and do the Wham-Bam build I have described here, the first Yori build under "Must have tier:" spoiler tag. Just bring ~14 Union members, and if everyone can reach 10m average bursts, you win instantly. Even if you don't finish it off, 30 people can join one Hyperion fight, so they can hopefully finish it off for you. Or you will get stuck in the "meh, can't get a purple anymore, so not helping that raid" trap.

    Atlas raid:

    Short version: double the damage output and HP of Hyperion and there you go. Notice that I haven't yet had the time to even try Atlas yet, so this is purely speculation for me at this point.

    425m HP, 11 def, 100% debuff I M M U N E (against anything that matters). Elixir cannot be used.

    Same normal attacks as Hyperion:
    100% to 71%: Attacks twice. Notice that he has almost 100% triple attack rate, so he will probably punch two characters for... a lot.
    70% to 41%: Spread attacks. Remember, still almost 100% triple attack rate.
    40% to death: 20k single target, unable to combo attack. Cannot be mitigated with Intercept.
    Just keep in mind that Atlas deals double damage from 100% to 41% when compared to Hyperion.

    Overdrives: For all intents and purposes, same as Hyperion. Def up from Rage.

    First action: 10k AoE + maxed orbs. Takes priority over everything else. THIS MEANS THAT FIRST TURN IS ALWAYS SAFE.
    80%: 10x9k damage rape Trigger, single target.
    60%: 10k AoE and inflicts atk down + def down for 6t. You should nullify the atk down.
    50%: 8x9k damage rape Trigger, single target.
    30%: 60k AoE rape Trigger + instant Doom. Mitigate and nullify it or die.
    10%: 60k AoE rape Trigger + instant Doom + dispels 8 buffs. Mitigate and nullify it or die. Or rather, skip this entirely by killing Atlas.
    5%: 60k AoE rape Trigger + instant Doom. Mitigate and nullify it or die. Or rather, skip this entirely by killing Atlas.

    The big change to Hyperion is that the max amount of people is six. In other words, all 6 people are pretty much required to bring their own healer Hime and Romulus, then coordinate their raid-wide damage cuts so that every single turn everyone has one up. Atlas simply hurts way too much to take full damage from, ever. If anyone fucks up, somebody will need to Genbu up to get their cooldown available for the raid. The final 10% is just way too much, which means that everyone needs to be at full burst with their Byakkos ready. Since you need to do ~47m damage with 6 people, that's only ~8m bursts per person so you might not even need Byakkos, but better safe than sorry.

    As Atlas won't be getting nerfed for at least one year, there is just no way to AAB this shit. I don't even know what the drops are yet, but for something that will probably require 10-20 minutes of manualing (or more), it had better be pure fucking gold.

    With the fights out of the way, let's talk about the rewards.
    Lucent weapons:

    These are strong weapons, but only work on Hime and Souls who prefer that type of weapon. And as you will notice when farming for them... ... making a proper team that actually is able to use them is... well, fucking impossible. Also remember that your selection of Soul is vastly constricted if you start building Lucents.

    With that out of the way, a FLB Lucent has (I think):
    30% HP
    30% Assault
    Two effects which you can select as you please, such as 500k echo burst when on-element.

    That would be nice to have, but too bad that you will probably never ever be able to build a functional team for that. And if even 4 of your characters are gaining benefit from the weapon, are you sure it's worthy of taking a slot in your Grid...?

    Well, let's talk about cost. This is what you'll need to fully upgrade one Lucent weapon, after the cost nerf next event:
    1 Aura Core (these get exceedingly expensive the more you buy them)
    150 Pedestal Nanometals (~25 days worth)
    295 Jewel Memory of that type (~37 days worth)
    445 Weapon shards of that type
    600 Eidolon Orbs (for R and SR bricks)
    175 Deflection Steel (~88 joined Hyperions)
    5 Photon Crystals (25 Aura Cubes = 25 hosted Hyperions = ~13 days)
    1 Advent Core (why?)
    8 Ori (~14 days from GO)
    Whole bunch of Crystals and some SR and SSR books, shouldn't be any issue anymore.

    Once the price cut comes along, it's not too bad, really. Too bad the weapons are useless! THANKS DEVS.

    Oh yeah, and you probably noticed Weapon Shards in there. They're a new addition to this patch. You gain them from selling SR and SSR weapons:
    250 from gacha only SSR weapons (Hime).
    20 from gacha only SR weapons (Hime, available from Gem Gacha).
    10 from SSR weapons which you can buy with any kind of currency, such as Soul weapons or event weapons.
    1 from SR weapons which you can buy from events or story quests, also Standard-Ult Disaster drop weapons.
    It should be noted that these are per limit break. I had a MLB Brahma Gun lying around (would FLB into HP(++)/Vigor) and sold it for 1000 Gun Shards.

    This system is very retarded since we don't have skill point Orbs yet, so whenever you sell this shit, you're losing out on skill points. THANKS DEVS.

    Machine Beasts:

    SR Eidolons. At MLB:
    384 HP
    1536 Atk
    100% Elemental atk (90% for Light/Dark)
    Boosts Lucent weapons when set in sub-slot (you don't care for this)
    On use: 800k damage, can be used once per fight, 0 CD (available from the start)

    That's... actually useful. It's roughly the same as 0-star first generation P2W Eidolons. Also, the on-use is really useful for Tower. We only have two competitive Towers to go though, and with time constraints for farming, I guess they won't help much.

    The cost for each of these, after cost nerfs hit next week:
    1 Aura Core (these get exceedingly expensive the more you buy them)
    150 Pedestal Nanometals (~25 days worth)
    220 Cylinders of that element (~37 days worth, but notice that you can't farm these as much as you'd like!)
    5850 Eidolon Orbs (including R and SR bricks)
    175 Deflection Steel (~88 joined Hyperions)
    5 Photon Crystals (25 Aura Cubes = 25 hosted Hyperions = ~13 days)
    8 Ori (~14 days from GO)
    150 Fangs
    100 T2 Cores
    50 Regalia
    50 Magna
    50 Treasure
    Whole bunch of Bones, Lithographs, T1 Cores and some SR and SSR books, shouldn't be any issue anymore.

    And finally, near the end of the year, you can upgrade a MLB SR Machine Beast to a SSR. They gain double HP (to 768), no Atk change, 10% more elemental (to 110% (100% Light/Dark)), 200k more on-use damage (to 1m) and harem episodes. The upgrade cost is pretty hefty, but it's possible.

    Wew. Was that everything? I hope that was everything. Please correct me for any mistakes I made.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Reserving first post for Atlas drops once I find them out and possibly other corrections.

  3. #3
    This system is very retarded since we don't have skill point Orbs yet, so whenever you sell this shit, you're losing out on skill points. THANKS DEVS.
    You're going to have to choose between skill points and + or weapon shards: can't convert for both.
    Last edited by Viriilink; 04-05-2021 at 06:07 AM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Thank you for the explanation and the data !
    I'll not spend any time on this content, simply not worth the effort (well...maybe the eidolons
    Last edited by atis52; 04-05-2021 at 12:18 PM.

  5. #5
    got those aura plates from the normal fights but dont see anywhere of what you can do with that
    overall this does look like something not worth it over the long run

    getting the further stages for weapon and eidos like 175 of those steel thingies yeah no thanks, dont mind a bit of grinding but that no thanks :P

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by powersurge View Post
    got those aura plates from the normal fights but dont see anywhere of what you can do with that
    Aura Plates are for hosting Hyperion, so that you can get your hands on those Aura Cubes -> Photon Crystals without paying a fuckton Deflection Steel. Currently hosting Hyperion is free, will change in a couple of weeks.

    And yeah, the rewards in this suck ass. I'm still gonna keep doing it, but I'm not surprised if others won't. I just worry that within a week, I won't be able to complete Hyperion raids due to lack of people joining. If that happens, hopefully after nerfs I can keep farming...

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