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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    [Event 142] Medjed (Rescue Machine)/Heavenly Fire Disaster raid event

    We've missed threads for these events:
    [Event 141] Nue Advent
    [Event 141.3] Popularity Vote (hilarious results, everyone just voted for the one on the top, so Anshar-Diabolos-Ninurta won by a landslide)
    [Event 141.6] Pride Union reprint
    With Kitty being MIA, nobody bothers to make threads for these anymore...

    So, it wasn't really mentioned in the event 140 thread, but jesus christ the new droprates for Reds sucks ass. Reaching 300 Reds sucks complete balls and requires a stupid amount of grinding. Hopefully, hopefully one day they'll remove the 3 Blues Purple chest possibility, then it would be fine-ish.

    So. Anyway. The real reason I am making this thread is for the new Heroic fight.
    Abilities and mechanics:

    First boss, 90m HP, 2 orbs.
    Huge elemental resistance to all but Water.
    Immune to movement stopping debuffs (Charm, Para, Flame Bind, etc)(Nutaku has translated this as "immune to everything", thanks Nutaku!)
    Starts with "Defensive mode" buff, can be Dispelled.

    In defensive mode:
    Overdrive: Adds a (random?) buff for 10t
    Trigger: When below 30%, will give a non-Cleanseable non-Preventable perm Def Down debuff.
    Overall low damage output, but notice that "Defensive mode" has a HUGE DAMAGE CUT. In other words, fighting in this mode is a pain in the ass.

    Without defensive mode:
    Overdrive: AoE damage maybe, I forget.
    Trigger: When "Defensive mode" is Dispelled, Dispel all self-buffs and gain perm, non-Dispelable Atk+/Dbl+/Trpl+
    Attacks twice every turn. Which means that you're pretty much guaranteed to eat 4-6 strong punches every single turn.

    Second boss, 120m HP, 3 orbs.
    Huge elemental resistance to all but Water.
    Immune to movement stopping debuffs (Charm, Para, Flame Bind)(Nutaku has translated this as "immune to everything", thanks Nutaku!)

    100% to 26%:
    Overdrive: AoE damage
    Trigger: When a blue ! in a yellow circle is up, any blue ability used will more or less instantly kill you. Also self-Cleanses twice.
    Trigger: When a yellow ! in a yellow circle is up, any yellow ability used will more or less instantly kill you. Also AoE Dispels twice.
    Make sure you pay attention which color ! is up. If you have Genbu, you might want to bring her as a mistake fail-safe. Notice that DMM wiki warned about Eidolon summons doing some weird things to these Triggers, but I tried using them and nothing happened.

    25% and after:
    Overdrive: 3x damage + Flame Bind?
    Trigger: When ANY ability is used, single target more or less get instantly killed + fully Dispelled.

    Some words on how to fight:

    So, bring debuffs. For the first time in ages for serious content, debuffs actually work! For the love of god bring as close to -50% Atk and -50% Def as you can. I went with Cthulhu + Vohu, which is -45% and -50%. Also, bring heals - there is 210m HP to go through and nobody to help you. This is one of those fights which absolutely fills all the boxes for Ascension requirements! Remember, any kind of Fire Res buffs or damage cuts are hugely synergistic with heals!

    Fighting the second boss with the Trigger debuff is probably suicide, so for the first fight you more or less need to bring Dispel. Doing 37m when "Defensive mode" damage cut is up is basically impossible. Your options are rather limited: Water Osiris (limited SSR), Yuki Nagato (limited SR), Dagda (SSR), Ascle (T4 Soul), Chaos Magic (EX), Mordred HP weapon Burst effect, Perseus Soul weapon Burst effect. Ideally, you'll fight until 31-40% and then Dispel to wrap it up. But if you're strong (and impatient), you can just start by Dispelling.

    For the second fight, try not to fuck up the Triggers. The damage output didn't seem very bad to me when debuffs were up, but remember that blue abilities might be un-usable for many turns in a row which can easily lead to debuffs NOT being up. Anyway, try to debuff just before 25% and then get as far as you can and finish it off by unloading all abilities + Full Burst. 30m HP is no joke to deal with when you can't use abilities though, so this is a test of your Water Grid - though, having Byakko will make things significantly easier for you. This is also where Ascle's potions shine, as you can use them without being retaliated to death.

    Notice that there is no limit to attempts on Heroic and it costs you no resources whatsoever. Heavenly Water Disaster P2W Eidolons are few and far between, but they DO exist on the server. Once you feel confident that you can do this fight, bring your best Elemental Water Eidolon and keep entering&giving up the fight until you find one.

    My personal experience and opinions on the fight:

    Personally, I ran with Ascle(single heal/potion/Chaos Magic)/Shiva/Cthulhu/Vohu/Aphro. Before reading up on the fight, I tried AABing it with several different setups. Those worked just fine, but I got utterly crushed by "something" when second boss had around 85-90% of HP left (hint: it was most likely the combined Triggers from first and second bosses). When I read up the fight and manualed, I had no no issues whatsoever. However, as a person who has almost all (non-limited) Water SSRs and 160% Levi, that's not exactly... something that can be expected from everyone. The final part of the fight is a huge damage check, so good luck to you.

    Now that I understand how the fight works, I think that it's a pretty good fight. There are many ways to tackle it, turtling (ha ha what is taking damage? Just be careful of Dispels from the Triggers in the second boss), survival builds (not going full ham turtling, but still extremely defensive), balanced builds (just rely on your Grid and don't bother with damage cuts), and for the super strong an offensive set-up will probably work too. It's just a shame that Nutaku doesn't fucking provide this information to the players. Like that mistranslation about debuff immunity, what the fuck. Which makes this really shitty content, as I'll need to try understanding some fucking moonrunes on DMM wiki for every single fucking event from now on. Wow, thanks Nutaku.

    Also, no idea how I'll be handling Wind and Dark Heroics since my teams and Grids for their respective counters really sucks ass. Time will tell, I guess!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Oh yeah, and since Golden Week collab event is running at the same time, I guess I might as well post about it.

    Basically all you need to go is go here and fill out your Nutaku ID (notice: not your Kamihime ID, but your NUTAKU ID number!) and then the "password" which is a shockingly surprising "G O L D E N"

    They may or may not check if you've actually played the games. My personal guess is that they won't and a script will just run for everyone who has done the Google form. But if you want to be safe, here are links to the games themselves:
    1. G: Kamihime
    2. O: TABA
    3. L: Magicami
    4. D: Versus Tales
    5. E: Eiyu*Senki, honestly this just made me curious about the actual games.
    6. N: ReBless Zwei, this is like Versus Tales done right, I guess? Once you get the hang of it actually seems decent, but it's so P2W that it's sickening.

    Officially you just need to do the prolog (skip skip skip), and find the banner for Golden Week event. Usually under events. Those who have been playing KH for a while are probably already done with steps 2-4, so it's just a matter of logging in.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the codes

    Eiyuu is a good one, simple mechanic, smooth loading, and good overall, they will get pvp arena in 2 days which is very interesting.
    Rebless tho in my opinion lacking story and just very very repetitive with end game pitching whale against whale, all the event just spending event, no story whatsoever.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by AlteredX View Post
    Eiyuu is a good one, simple mechanic, smooth loading, and good overall, they will get pvp arena in 2 days which is very interesting.
    Yes, but you can probably buy both Eiyuu Senki games (normal and Gold) for probably 60 bucks. And those should be GOOD GAMES, not gacha garbage where 60 bucks gets you nothing but a bad feeling.

    As such, I don't understand why one would want to play the gacha version...
    Quote Originally Posted by AlteredX View Post
    Rebless tho in my opinion lacking story and just very very repetitive with end game pitching whale against whale, all the event just spending event, no story whatsoever.
    I skipped all of the story, but honestly, the combat is FUN. Also the way your girls level up like, exponentially is pretty fun. It's like, got a dupe of a girl? Well, you just fucking doubled her stats. What, you got her dupe again? Well, DOUBLE IT AGAIN BABY.

    But yeah, since that can be done like 9 times per girl, if you don't pay you simply CANNOT hold a candle against whales.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    I got my 1000 Jewels from the collab event now.

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