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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    [Event 145] Python advent reprint event

    We've missed threads for these events:
    [Event 144.5] 10th Skill Checker-kun (currently ongoing)

    So, since Nutaku fucked up Hime balance patch notes horrendously, here they are proper. I HAVE DONE THESE IN A RUSH, mistakes are very possible. If there are Hime that weren't mentioned in the patch notes, then I don't know of them. PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

    Hime balance changes:

    Bolded are things Nutaku left out of our "patch notes"
    Strikethroughs are things that Nutaku put in our "patch notes" but as far as I can, are not changed at least on DMM.
    Titania [Awakening]
     Love Ballade++: Burst Gauge / Ability DMG↑ for an ally(++++) ★Shorten turns no change?
     The Power of Love+: Guaranteed Combo Attack to an ally (up from 50 double/30 triple)
    Odin [Awakening]
     Rune Storm++: Wind DMG to all enemies / Burst Gauge↑ to self [7 CD -> 5 CD]
     Full Throttle++: Combo Attack Rate↑ to self / Applies Fortitude(once) [7 CD -> 6 CD, no longer gives self Def-]
     Gagnrathr +: Protect the party / Applies Counterattack [7 CD -> 6 CD, now has Guard instead of Taunt]
    Tyr [Awakening]
     Girl Power Up!+: Atk+ -> Against lock-on enemies: Atk+ (+?%) + combo+ (+?%)
     Stanshocker++: Lock-on is now 4t and guaranteed to hit
     Rune Teal++: 2t -> 3t
     Finishing Pact+: Self burst gain from +35 -> +100, CD 8 -> 7
     Resolution+: Heals self / Burst Gauge↑ / Burst power↑ to self (stackable)(once) ★Powered up
     Atomo Meta Trophy: when taking ANY damage, now also gains combo+ (+?%)
     Acropolis+: All Thunder allies' Water/Phantom RST↑
    Brahma [Awakening]
     Barrier Device in Use!+: Now also applies Vigor at the start of the fight (the same as burst effect? +100%?)
     Cosmo Charge++: Heals self / DMG taken↓(30%) / Applies Barrier (2000)
     Striking Surge: Burst Gauge↑ by 100 (this is only a description change)
     Enhance Moral: Starts fight with 100 burst (up from 50)
     Excessive Charge: Now also increases burst cap (max burst is 4m)
     Passive: Added def+ (+?%)
     Abi2: Increased damage and cap
     Abi3: CD 8 -> 6, buffed Counterattack scaling
     Curtail Round+: Ability DMG↑ / affliction rate↑ / Reduces ability cooldown by 1 turn (3t -> 5t, 8 CD -> 7 CD)
     Reclaim Photo+: Heals an ally / Applies Barrier and Vigor (CD 4 -> 3)
     Self Revival: Applies Auto Revive to an ally (CD 20 -> 12)
     Burst: effect changed from "reset Reclaim Photo" to "double effect of Reclaim Photo"
     Burnout Braid+: Burst now also applies Hideout (?t)
     Peel Outer: Buffs are no longer lost from DoTs or taking 0 damage
     Maximum velocity+: Crit Rate↑ / Burst Power↑(stackable) ★Powered up (I don't understand if there is a difference)
     Rickless Wheel: Nullifies all attacks against self (no longer consumes burst)
    [Evil Slayer] Poseidon
     Peremptory Guard: Cut damage to all Light allies (50%) ※Consume 3 Sea Companion to cut all damage (as far as I can tell, no change)
    [crimson brigade] Kushinada
     Brocade Trap: Fire DMG to an enemy after 2 turns ※If hit, applies Poison / Heals self (as far as I can tell, no change)
    [Shadow on Ice] Chernobog
     Aqua Harvest: Absorbs Burst Gauges from all water characters (as far as I can tell, no change, Water Cherno buff is coming in October)
    Thunder Ishtar
     Criticize Bolt: Deals 2x Thunder DMG to anenemy
     Criticize Bolt+: Deals 2x Thunder DMG to an enemy ★Shorten turns
     Royal Inspire: Thunder Character's ability↑ (Max)
     Royal Inspire+: Thunder Character's ability↑ (Max) ★Power UP
     Twice Aria: Activate twice your ability DMG / Deals 10x Thunder DMG to an enemy
    Thunder Zabanya (SR, comes with Ishtar)
     Grasping Bomb: High DMG to an enemy depending on Snatch Lv.
     Grasping Bomb+: High DMG to an enemy depending on Snatch Lv. ★Powered up
     Treasure Influence: To all enemies ATK↓ DEF↓ (+) ※If target ' s Snitch Lv. 5+ then (++)
     Treasure Influence+: To all enemies ATK↓ DEF↓ (+) ※If target ' s Snitch Lv. 5+ then (++) ★Shorten turns
     Material Hunt: Deals Thunder DMG and Item Drop rate↑ to an enemy (+) ※If target ' s Snitch Lv 2 or less Item Drop rate↑ (+++)

    Heroic post coming later, haven't had the time to check the event itself at all.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2019
    For the 1st heroic fight, it will deal 10k fixed damage. Damage cut won't be able to reduce the damage. So make sure you have over 10k health. After that, it will power up and the next burst will deal 100k fixed damage so you have to kill it before the second burst.

    Also, it is best to burst during CT max as doing burst earlier will result in the boss going max CT right away. Best to bring himes that can eat orbs and use skill to increase extra orb if you are unable to kill fast enough before the next 2nd burst. At 50%, it will remove all buff and debuff so make sure to time it carefully.

    Now, in the second heroic fight, you cannot increase orb, so you just have to settle for 4 orbs. Now be sure to debuff once every turn to nullify that 1 turn immunity buff or you will trigger the attack that hit very hard. At 90% and 50% health, it will gain the ability to nullify your double or triple attack, making it even harder to gain full burst. To make it worst, its burst will reduce your himes burst gauge by 50%.

    At 30% health, it will perform a trigger that remove all buff and debuff and gain the unremovable debuff immunity, which you won't be able to debuff
    So kill it fast as every turn below 30%, it will always deal damage to single target and remove buff except CT max.

    This is quite the hardest fight so far, but persevere and you will get the well deserved Guardian of Eternity trophy.
    [Event 145] Python advent reprint event-molestermoon.jpg

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Well, 999kirby pretty much covered it already, but here is my version.

    Abilities and mechanics:

    First wave, 40m HP, 6 orbs.
    Huge elemental resistance to all but Light and Thunder.
    Immune to movement stopping debuffs (Charm, Para, Flame Bind)(Nutaku has translated this as "immune to everything", thanks Nutaku!). BP works.
    Overdrive: Deal 10 000 fixed damage (damage cuts do not work against fixed damage!) + give 10x Overdrive attack buff to self (cannot be Dispelled)

    Trigger: when taking Burst Streak damage: max out orbs (OD is probably priority)
    Trigger: 50% HP: full Cleanse and Dispel to everyone (self and party)

    Second wave, 90m HP, 4 orbs.
    Huge elemental resistance to all but Light and Thunder.
    Immune to movement stopping debuffs (Charm, Para, Flame Bind)(Nutaku has translated this as "immune to everything", thanks Nutaku!). Additionally, BP does NOT work.
    Normal Overdrive: AoE ~15k damage + -50 Burst
    Rage Overdrive: AoE ~15k damage + -50 Burst, then single target ~15k damage + -50 Burst

    Trigger: 90% HP: Self buff which prevents combo attacks (does not expire, does not eat Orbs if full, cannot be Dispelled?)
    Trigger: 50% HP: Self buff which prevents combo attacks (does not expire, does not eat Orbs if full, cannot be Dispelled?)(this is a completely wasted turn it seems like)
    Trigger: 30% HP: full Cleanse and Dispel to everyone (self and party) + become immune to debuffs (does not expire, does not eat Orbs if full, cannot be Dispelled)

    Normal attacks:
    Above 30% HP, when not holding debuff Prevention: ~4k single target + self debuff Prevention (once)(cannot be Dispelled)(ODs take priority)
    Above 30% HP, when holding debuff Prevention: 2x 10k single target
    Below 30% HP: 10k single target + Dispel
    (according to DMM wiki, below 30% attack will be used even during Stun - unless Orbs are maxed)

    Some words on how to fight:

    Bring debuffs. I know right, more content where debuffs actually matter! Def- and Atk- are a godsend until the very end.

    The first fight is a simple turtle denial fight. Which is pretty dumb. Without BP or Orb Eats, you have ~13 turns before you simply die. But at least it has "only" 40m HP, which also means that after 20m HP it will eat away your debuffs. That happens probably after your first burst, so keep that in mind. And remember not to burst until it has full orbs!

    The second fight is the problem. Hopefully you can pace yourself and get into the fight with all your abilities up. While Python only has 90m (which is rather low for a Heroic final round), it's a complete bitch to fight. Because you can only single attack, burst generation is extremely low. In addition, ODs eat 50 Burst from everyone which means that typically you cannot Burst ever. There are ways around this - skills that generate Burst and Orb Eats. Combine both and you can Full Burst just fine. Just be mindful of pacing - if you burst from 50% to 30%, you're probably pretty fucked since the last 30% is the hard part of the fight.

    Additionally, if you don't want to get single-target nuked to oblivion, you will need to use one debuff every single turn during the first 70%. Notice that while BP doesn't work against Python, you can still use it to remove the debuff Prevention. Anyway, your primary means of removing debuffs are Eidolons. Bring as many Eidolons with debuffs as you can and you should be fine assuming that your party has a few extra of their own.

    The final 30% (~27m HP) is a simple damage race. One of you is going to die and there isn't much you can do about it. According to DMM wiki, Southern Star Lord ignores the entire "immune to combo attacks" thing, and obviously Northern Star Lord is extremely good as well. If you have either, this fight will be SIGNIFICANTLY easier.

    My personal experience and opinions on the fight:

    I have no idea could my Light handle this, but thankfully, I don't need to find out. Went in with Thunder, fucked up my pacing by bursting from ~50% to ~30%, became a fairly close fight but Dian potions saved the day.

    Hopefully this whole "two elements work" thing will become a thing (and to my understanding it will). This significantly reduces the chances of you just getting fucked out of content simply because Gacha has decided that "THOU SHALT NEVER FIND x ELEMENT"

    I don't understand why the devs hate turtle teams so much. If somebody wants to suffer through some 130m+ HP by turtling, let them? It's not like that's hurting anyone. Aside from that, I think it's a fairly decent fight. There are many, many different team comps that you can make, like bringing Yori to FB your way out of the final phase, though that will make everything before it much harder. You can bring Medea, as skill damage will work just fine when you can't rely on normal attacks or bursts. You can bring Perseus for tons-o-debuffs to deal with the debuff Prevention (and his guaranteed Orb Eat MEX to reduce ODs), or maybe bring a single-target Guard hero like Athena to just soak up those hits. You can bring a defensive team with Romulus and just soak up the hits and slowly five-punch-per-turn your way through the fight. I always like it when there are lots of choices for clear content, because what you should do will largely depend on what you will have. Oh, and bonus points for largely disabling both of our new saviors Paras and Parac with the combo-killing mechanic, so for once you won't be shoehorned into using either (though both will work to some extent).

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