Heroic Rahab
75M HP : DEF 10 : Orbs 3
Immune to BP / Inhibiting Debuffs (Para, Frenzy, Charm, Ect)
RST / DMG Reduction vs Off Element as usual
2 Fortitudes, so you have to kill her 3 Times
1st Turn Trigger: AoE DMG (Medium), apply Target Debuff to a Random Unit
Trigger when a Summon is Used: AoE DMG (Medium) Remove and reapply Target debuff to another Unit
65% & 35% HP Trigger: AoE DMG (High), Thunder RST Down -20% (6T)
Trigger when she die: Fully Recover HP, Lose 1 Fortitude, Change Stance, remove all Debuffs and AoE Nuke (High DMG)
Trigger at Turn 100: Failed attempt try again when you are stronger.
At the End of each Trigger or after 2-4T (Varies depending on Stance) 3500 Fixed DMG to the unit with Target Debuff
Stance Effects:
Initial Stance: Skill DMG is Greatly Reduce
Stacen after First Rahab Death: Burst DMG is Greatly Reduce
Stance after Second Rahab Death: NATK DMG is Greatly Reduce
Normal OD: 4 Random Hits (High DMG)
Raging OD: 4 Random Hits (High DMG)

Literally has to kill heroic rahab 3 times >_>
No more turtle tactic. You have to kill her 3 time before 100 turns. It's literally dps race.
The game punishes you for using summon, so use at least 1 debuff summon once before it burst.
Azazel AW and Gaia is MVP here. No questions asked.

[Event 146] Rahab (Lightning Heroine) raid event-summer.jpg

Got myself a juicy trophy ^_^