Well, decided to finally give the next week of events a try. Got 23 stars now and might look at getting 2 more later.

The 100/2 map is way too much for me with those constant magic damage thingies so 2* was the best i could get from it.

The 70/6 with the boss angel i got a 1* on but i can 2* it easily if i do it again, question is if i can be arsed. The other 70/6 map i might give another 3* attempt since my cloris is not maxed and Belinda's affection has risen a little. Probably closer to the end of the event though.

Still unsure what angel i even want. Chloe seems like a PAIN to farm given that i cannot fight the 70/6 angel so it might just be between the sapphire and event one.