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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by namhoang909 View Post
    i remember Soranokira has mentioned something different between left and right side premium summon, this morning i chose left side for new druid and got that pink hair revenger, now she is in right side
    also affection item drop is only in thursday right?
    sorry for my short memory
    Affection drop was actually yesterday. The dailies will change at 11:00 am for me, so I mass spent my SCs for affection and trust items this morning. The wiki says it is on Thursday, though I'm not sure if they changed dailies with the maintenance. On my end, dailies start and end at 11:00 am.

    The left side is the normal gacha and the right side is the special gacha (units summoned by this has initial lv 40). The spotlight units for the right side are the units that will be removed from normal gacha and placed in revival gacha (aka the older gacha units).

    On topic: Affection/Trust farming went pretty well for me thanks to 1.5x drop rate boost. Got Rosel and Bernice to 100% affection and Gellius and Valerie to 100% trust. Now to choose who will be my main HA. XD

    The silver units really got boosted. Some interesting ones are:
    Khuri, Rosalie and Kagero with status ailment immunity
    Mischa with 25% physical evasion (now she won't die as frequently lol)
    Harissa, Mortimer, and Thelma with gold get (well, Betty now has some competition)
    Mao with 15% true damage (dang, a silver with TD!)
    Niel with global regen during inactive skill (when healers are not enough)
    Soma and Giovanni with 10% 3-consecutive attack (Claire's skill)
    Christopher with small recovery to all units when deployed (Why did you have to give him this skill?! Why didn't Alissa or Dorca get this?!)
    Sharon with same skill as Christopher (Well, I'm raising her now, so this will be good)
    Last edited by YoxalLoyal; 06-23-2016 at 07:44 AM.
    Aigis Teams (10/23/2016)
    1st: Nutaku Aigis Main Team - 2nd: Alt. Nutaku Aigis Main Team - 3rd: DMM Aigis Main Team

    Aigis Unit Collection (06/02/2016): DMM | Nutaku

    Aigis Story Guides:
    Eastern Wind:
    Magic City:
    Jungle: TBA whenever Nutaku implements it
    Makai (Hell): TBA whenever Nutaku implements it

    Other browser games I play (or played) outside of Aigis:

    Flower Knight Girl (dropped; hated the RNG-style gameplay)
    Brave Girl Ravens (dropped; got too boring after a while)
    Kamihime Project (dropped sadly; too much high maintenance for my time)

    Shiro Project:RE (dropped; no time to spare for this game outside of the Aigis x ShiroPro crossover event)

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