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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by namhoang909 View Post
    i saw someone's post that he received black unit from an account he made months ago (interesting, what unit can that be), this is sad even though with that generosity they still want to block us, their passionate player. i even thought to leave nutaku account for good.
    how about event unit farming guys, i managed to min cost bishop but SU is terrible (3/10), fed her 6 copies. having most of revival daily unit -2 to -3 except for Maribel (-1). for upcoming unit, present vampire hunter and valkyrie, are they worth spending sc for?
    Pretty sure it was Anna from one of Aigis' anniversaries. Fran is worth spending SCs on. I would at least try to get her to -3 or mincost/+5. Don't think Emilia will be worth it. We'll be getting yet another valk in the next event anyways.

    On topic: Finally perfected Selina. Took me 20+ copies just to get her to this point. A few more levels till tin cans and max level. Since the daily revivals have been for farm event units only, I hope we get Sabrina, Lieselotte, Isabel, Charlotte, Chloe, Juno, Helena, or Rika on the next wave.

    Edit: And Prim just became one of my most wanted units. That OP'ed AW skill! She is like a better witch version of Rita after awakening.

    Platinum Witch Prim (幻光の魔女プリム)
    AW Skill
    Prism Shadow (プリズムシャドウ): (00s; cannot be targeted; auto skill, and unlimited duration; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
    AW Ability:
    Prism Mirror (プリズムミラー): possible to deploy a token that is identical to Prim; can only deploy one on the field; doesn't count towards unit total.

    Last edited by YoxalLoyal; 07-05-2016 at 10:11 PM.
    Aigis Teams (10/23/2016)
    1st: Nutaku Aigis Main Team - 2nd: Alt. Nutaku Aigis Main Team - 3rd: DMM Aigis Main Team

    Aigis Unit Collection (06/02/2016): DMM | Nutaku

    Aigis Story Guides:
    Eastern Wind:
    Magic City:
    Jungle: TBA whenever Nutaku implements it
    Makai (Hell): TBA whenever Nutaku implements it

    Other browser games I play (or played) outside of Aigis:

    Flower Knight Girl (dropped; hated the RNG-style gameplay)
    Brave Girl Ravens (dropped; got too boring after a while)
    Kamihime Project (dropped sadly; too much high maintenance for my time)

    Shiro Project:RE (dropped; no time to spare for this game outside of the Aigis x ShiroPro crossover event)

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