Im too slow for updating
Only Gacha they change was #2 introducing New Year skins
I did only 10 SC pull - got lucky and pulled Katie New Year and my first dupe megane, green bandit
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Im too slow for updating
Only Gacha they change was #2 introducing New Year skins
I did only 10 SC pull - got lucky and pulled Katie New Year and my first dupe megane, green bandit
Rolled 3 times with what i had. My guaranteed plat was in 2 rolls. Well, i got Moltena and had to roll a third time to get that plat. Some useless dupe but hey i got Moltena.
Just saw the preview of this week's changes on himeuta, and the pickup lineup looks awesome for a DMM newbie with my first 150 SC ready to go.
Uzume, Saria, and Clarice all in one pickup gatcha? 3/5 chance for top tier plats?! And a shot at Cornelia so I may not Get to save my black ticket for someone else? Nice!
Oh Aigis, how could you do this to me? Pulled 20 units, and got a pair of Lina's for my pity plats. Not what I was hoping for... I had to stop there for the night, because if I did the last 10 and got another one....
I did get Rino, which was pretty nice.
I had a guaranteed black so I decided to try and get Nanaly since I had her over at Nutaku. I also thought that Eldora also looked interesting.
I ended up getting Moltena instead and with a disappointing "fuck it" sigh, went over to the wiki to see what I got.....
So ya, between her and Clarice along with Rivuru I think I have a pretty nice garbage dropping troll team now.
After those duplicate Lina's in my first 20 pulls, I finished off strong with the final 10, getting both Saria and Uzume! Feeling much better about that!
My black was not Cornelia, but Teeny. Not the one I wished for, but probably my second choice out of the pickup set. Anyone have any experience with her?
She is a great unit. By herself she comes with a good ranged attack and is a very solid unit but her main strength comes from her passive and deployment bonus. All female melee slot units get +5% more def and atk and an additional 15% when she is deployed. She and the black dancer are pretty much the best buffer units in the game.
I picked teeny from my anniversary ticket and even while her own performance isnt game breaking before saw it still is making her a usefull physical hammer time princess against those pesky high mr enemys. But besides that without any doubt i would call her the backbone of my set up. She makes so many units so much more great that i can just say she isnt called the second prince without a reason. The Buffs! The Buffs! She even buffs Bowriders and Magic Fencers (as long as they are female... which they all are! Besides silvers.). Imagine a Teeny boosted Rion... or even just Margaret and shes a gold that can surpass Nanaly in dps easily with Teeny (not a joke!). All those duelists! Its insane once you start looking for synergies.
@Arkinum Besides, i cant understand someone who gets Moltena and is disappointed. She is by far one of the top black units and the best true dmg unit in the whole game. Atm she sure outclasses Nanaly in usefullness. And im saying that as someone who picked Nanaly over her with his ticket. I got Eldora (not from the pick up funnily) and shes hands down one of the worst blacks on DMM. Not as bad as Kurama who i also got but still. You have nothing to be sad about my friend. Clarice and Rivuru are for plats what Lapis, Aisha and b.iris are for blacks. Consider yourself a lucky bastard. It litelary hurts me how much luck you have while not even understanding what you call your own. Id trade my Eldora and Kurama anytime with you, even my Nanaly if i wouldnt have picked her cause i lacked physical ranged dps.
Tenhou and Nero, thanks for the feedback on Teeny. Great to hear how potent she'll be going forward.
I wasn't disappointed with her, because I can tell she'll be awesome for support and SAW, but I just wasn't sure exactly where she would fit in terms of what she would replace in my old Nutaku lineup.
I don't have a clear duelist or tank yet, and I've been looking at how I fill those roles. That's why I was rooting for Cornelia, since she's easy to a lot. I've been using Kayou as my best heavy hitter so far, but I think as I get it more advanced content and AW/SAW her the role will change somewhat.
I do have one more black ticket, so I'll probably save that for after one more 150SC pull a few months on. right now I have very strong supporting players - I got Elyse from account rerolls and Aisha with my first black ticket, and Saria and Uzume from this 150SC pull. I feel like I'll need another strong melee unit before I can get Nanaly, who was my original plan for the ticket. But will have to see how the pair of Kayou and Teeny do as they level.
@Nero lol, I tend to sway more towards aesthetics and wifu material than general usefulness. But ya, after I looked her up I realized that I got super lucky.