Quote Originally Posted by ZeroZet View Post
That one chinese intern who is in charge of our verson in DMM Aigis Dev Team routinely doesn't get a memo about petite ladies being greenlit, so our Gold Rush has her and another gold archer replaced. Same deal as Nenya and Mischa, really.
And no, our most revered petite goddess of destruction is another matter entirely, because Aisha is Aisha after all)
An intern is in charge of this game?Just how short-handed Nutaku is if they put an intern in charge of one of the constant-top-10-games of them?And the deal with loli is pretty b******* if you ask me, I mean why can anime with loli get international but games cannot?And Kagerou isn't even loli by ANY standard, with Nutaku witheld new silver like that pure silver team aka. free player just gonna get wrecked.While this game is not P2W(since there's no PVP or the like) this case isn't different from declaring that they simply want to make cash trap instead of caring about community.