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  1. #1
    Guest Guest

    Archers and Vampire Hunters

    Hey guys, I have two questions.

    At the moment I currently run 3 archers (nanally, victoria, and spica) and 1 vampire hunter (elizabeth).
    I'm thinking about removing elizabeth because I wanted to make space for a second soldier in my party
    but elizabeth just does so much dps to low armor targets. Should I run all 4 or should I remove elizabeth?

    Also I'm thinking about trading my victoria for bashira. It's just that I feel like bashira is just a much weaker
    version of nanally whereas victoria can do some awesome burst damage. Should I trade my victoria for


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
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    first of all , literally all archers not named nanaly are interchangeble. Sure some have more damage over time and other have more burst , but in the end , the yall can do the job , so it pretty much doesn't matter what u chose. Personally i enjoy archers like spica/victoria more then burst archers (with the exception of boss fights were i do preffer the burst) , and spica synergyzez well with both victoria and elizabeth. (well she also has insane synergy with bursters as well).

    In the end it depends on which one you like most , but realistically speaking , anything besides spica and nanaly is a wasted slot in your active army , in which you could place duelists or support stuff. From personal experience , i rarely field anything more then spica and nanaly , and while i do use bashira on some maps , and i even run triple archer comps at times , i don't think that it's entirely necesary.

    2 soldiers are pretty situational as well. On the same account , i also have an jerome (and katie ofc) , and i rarely field katie anymore (especially since i awakened jerome) , but there are people that do suggest double soldier comps. Personally i haven't really found a need for 2 soldiers on the field since i've gotten jerome , but it might happen in the future.

    Anyway those are my 2 cents. Hope it helps

  3. #3
    Bashira and Spica > Victoria IMO. Bashira has better damage and Spica carries a higher non-skill damage, the added range can be helpful in situations as is her awaken ability meanwhile Victoria's skill is more for getting through high defense which you have magic to handle that which otherwise has lower DPS than your archers so archers IMO are more about thinning the heard and covering flying units. Not mentioned in this thread and probably should be are Pirates, Range matters where Vampire Hunters trade Range for DPS Pirates are just trading DPS for Range while Archers are the middle of the road with that said Pirates high base attack lets them be more effective against high defense units which I'd argue is what Victoria is trying to do with her Attack skill compared to Bashira's multiple attack skill which turns her into a significantly more damaging archer within that time frame, in addition to that with Beatrice being an event there can be a bias if you were able to min cost her.

    Bottom-line IMO ditch Victoria. I personally prefer pirates over vampire hunters I feel archers do well enough against low armor targets as is to make the Vampire Hunter fairly moot carrying weaknesses and dealing with enemies that are dealt with easy enough through other means.

  4. #4

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    Aug 2015
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    realize that the dude has Nanaly ? Bashira is pretty much pointless anyway , since between her (nanaly) and spica , he has enough ranged physical dps anyway. And speaking of victoroa , well , a maxed skill victoria deals double damage (1.9 actually) for 45 seconds , as oposed to bashira that deals 3x for 15 seconds. In time , the damage dealt by victoria is better , and she requires less micro management of her skill.

    Even after skill AW i'd rather have victoria then bashira actually , since she has better utility IMO....but then again , i also have naanly.

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