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  1. #1

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    and conveniantly left out gelius skill awakening. Interesting. @ Buster wolf

    @ Tenhou : he said "other plats units can only look in shame" I was assuming he was talking about all plats. If he was talking purely duelists , sure , but the way he phrased it was somewhat confusing. If he wasn't talking duelists , then no. I disagree that nadia is the best platinum in the game.

  2. #2

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    Her stats make a lot of units pale in comparison. Sure, Gellius has great defense, but Nadia has defensive stats AND offensive stats. I know you love your argument of "rather have a tank and then place out mages." But think about this - with Nadia out you have one great damage dealer and a tank out at the same time. Sure, she costs more, but she's like one hell of a monster that effectively manages two roles at once.

    Gellius on the other hand is just that - a tank. He is only useful for blocking. Nadia can smash things to pieces as they come towards her. Who needs to deploy that archer or mage to go with Gellius? Just put down Nadia and be done with it.

    There's also many maps where ranged slots are rather limited. The current subjugation event on DMM only has 3 ranged slots. Nadia was born for that map...

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tenhou View Post
    Who needs to deploy that archer or mage to go with Gellius? Just put down Nadia and be done with it.
    Somebody who is faced with more than one beefy rusher at the same time? Nadia, while powerful, is still a 1-blocker. Gellius, on the other hand stops 4 (5) on their tracks.
    And if you say "Just put somebody behind Nadia", then how it is different from deploying Gellius with mage support?

  4. #4

  5. #5
    CornOnSakob Guest
    Lol, I recognize like none of those units :P

  6. #6

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    nadia blocks 1 person. Gellius has 30 MR and blocks 5.

    Are we also forgetting the horrible cost that nadia has ? You people act like getting a 40 cost duelist on the field is easy. It's not. Most maps won't allow it. Also , what happens when you have beefy enemies rushing ? You have to place another blocker behind nadia , which means at least another heavy (or an awakened katie i guess) , or a angel/samurai/etc. That's another 15-20 up used because of her block.

    You just look at the offense and think she outstats gelis because she has more damage....ignoring the fact that block/cost are also important stats , and nadia does very poorly in that regard

  7. #7
    You really have no idea what you're talking about, lolix.

    Gellius is for tanking. He happens to be very good at it, and no one here has been discounting his abilities. But he does no DPS. Tanking is all he does.

    Nadia is a high-end duelist. She's for trashing especially dangerous enemies and also happens to be good for shredding through waves due to her large AoE. She does a truck load of DPS and can tank very large hits herself. Because dragon riders all have fantastic core stats, MR aside, and have stronger passives and skills than average, they come at a premium to deploy.

    These are two different functionalities and are compatible together. Nadia shredding mobs with a blocker like Gellius behind her will stop any mob combination that isn't full of high-end golems. If you don't understand why Nadia is great after watching exk's demo there's really not much hope for you, speaking so decisively about a unit/unit class you've never used.

    Other than that, why are you being so damn defensive about something as inane as being 'best plat unit'? Gellius is a great plat, exceptional even, and not many people will disagree. That does not make Nadia, or any other plat unit, 'not great'.

    Gellius, on the other hand stops 4 (5) on their tracks.
    And if you say "Just put somebody behind Nadia", then how it is different from deploying Gellius with mage support?
    Unless the mobs have absolutely insane defense(like golem-tier), Nadia's area damage will out-dps three-four mage units at once. Her ASPD is nearly x3 as fast and AWS puts her above 2k damage. It's just better. 40 cost and one space is definitely better than 100ish cost and three spots.

    My picks for high-tier plat units, in no particular order, for the DMM version. This is not to say other plat units aren't good, but these ones are most notable imo for sheer power reasons:

    Nadia (huge stats, AWS makes her an ideal sweeper in higher difficulty stages, combos amazingly with 3+ block units)
    Gellius (best defensive HA)
    Jerome (automatic AWS allows lazy play and is a great deploy and forget unit; passive effectively cr's him by 2)
    Rachel (AWS gives her over 400 range, fast attack speed and 1400+ attack; extremely strong after buffs)
    Anelia (one of the earliest multi-target units, now deals magic damage, and has also benefited from the ASPD buffs as Rachel)
    Saria (rapid healing AoE AWS is ridiculous)
    Elizabeth (DPS is comparable to Nanaly)
    Sherry (hits 5 targets at once at 250 range for large damage; very strong, differentiates herself from the blacks unlike other princesses)
    Marle (her skill is very strong, too; not quite as good as Saria)
    Lyla (20s low cooldown AoE that provides over 3k attack)
    Uzume (passive and skill are both really strong)
    Flamel (her buffs have made her surpass Serra for best warrior priest; very reliable unit in a class that is kind of broken)
    Sabine (long-term ranged true damage; 280 range)
    Patra (large attack multiplier with burst all heal on a low cooldown; best plat bishop)
    Mole (large attack multiplier on a mage; best plat mage presently)
    Thetis (cc immunity and powerful automatic AWS with low downtime)

    honorable mentions: Marnie, Waltz (not generically useful like most of above, but excellent in the right teams...)
    Last edited by Karsuman; 04-07-2016 at 02:05 AM.

  8. #8
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    nadia blocks 1 person. Gellius has 30 MR and blocks 5.

    Are we also forgetting the horrible cost that nadia has ? You people act like getting a 40 cost duelist on the field is easy. It's not. Most maps won't allow it. Also , what happens when you have beefy enemies rushing ? You have to place another blocker behind nadia , which means at least another heavy (or an awakened katie i guess) , or a angel/samurai/etc. That's another 15-20 up used because of her block.

    You just look at the offense and think she outstats gelis because she has more damage....ignoring the fact that block/cost are also important stats , and nadia does very poorly in that regard
    I agree my team full of blacks with jerome is making me lose every map. Can you teach me your ways?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroZet View Post
    And if you say "Just put somebody behind Nadia", then how it is different from deploying Gellius with mage support?
    Plopping down Katie then dropping Nadia in front of her once things start to get hairy is quite a bit cheaper than Gellius plus a mage even before you factor in Reinforcements. It also puts out waaaaay more damage. Garania's been a helpful presence in my army but she should feel kinda embarrassed about being so close to Nadia in cost.

    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    learn how to use your team
    They were being sarcastic.

    Anyway, I think you're missing the forest due to the trees again. Nadia isn't an anti-rush duelist but she's easily the top anti-swarm duelist. She's so good she can even survive being a contradiction in terms.

  10. Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    and conveniantly left out gelius skill awakening. Interesting. @ Buster wolf

    Still Nadia is better due to being able to attack all grounded units that pass her so she doesn't need ranged damage support like Gellius does due to his piss poor attack stat.

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