This is a question about my team in total but particularly my soldier (Katie). I checked online using google translate and it said after awakening her, her skill changes from reinforce III to something that boosts her defense for a time by 80% AND giving the 15 unit pts. Well, it was 1/5 and I went ahead and awakened her only to find it is still just reinforce III. How does one awaken skills? I might just be really stupid and it was mentioned somewhere but I have honestly no idea. Was I supposed to somehow get her skill to 5/5 before awakening so it would evolve? Or is that something we don't have implemented yet? If I did do this wrong is there a way to rewind... I guess not if that's the case and I just screwed myself b/c I jumped the gun being too excited.

Either way, I'd really appreciate a decisive answer to these 2 questions:

1) Does our version of Aigis (on Nutaku) have skill awakening implemented?
2) How do I awaken my unit's skills (if the awakened skill is different --- as is Katie's according to the JP wiki)?

P.S. sorry if my English is bad, I am not a native speaker (I use spell checker and auto correct very much).