Hi, I just recently starting taking this game a bit more seriously after playing on-and-off casually for a few months and am just looking for advice on whether if my current ideas on what to work on are on the right track. So far this is my team:


I am currently in the process of leveling up a 3rd Healer (Alissa) to replace Marr in maps where Marr isn't really needed as much. I know that I should still be grinding Dragon Hunt/Return to Ruins and dailies so that I can get all of the important units to max level/affection, but I was just wondering what sort of unit would be good to replace and which units would really help my team instead? I know HAT is the pure staple of this game, so which should I try and max first?

I can of course just follow guides any time a new event is released and copy whatever units/setups they use but most guides just use CC'd Silver/common units for the majority of the maps besides G and I was wondering if I have anything that could be better and more efficient?

Besides the units in my team, I also have Pirate Rachel, the free plat rogue and sailor, Monica, a 2nd Bernice, Kojuro, and a few event plats/golds that aren't anywhere close to being maxed out (strongest would probably be the recent Imelia, who I only got up to 400 souls for).

Sorry to ask for spoonfeeding, but I have just been feeling pretty stuck lately since leveling is slow and want to correct any mistakes I am currently making before it gets too deep down the road.