I have no blacks and rolled 3 shrine plats, 2 of them with money. Being Marnie, Sherry and Garania. Not to unlucky, not too lucky. Even though i have to say sherry was propably the best premium plat i couldve pulled. So I am actualy happy that i still can find uses for Event Units other then those with hilarous teams. Heck i even use Memento instat of witches if i dont need them for thier slow (her dps is slightly higher then Cloris hers and emergency block/scrapegoats are always nice). And one thing... I wouldnt switch out Imelia with any other Bandit from shrine. Shes one of the few Event units that could be shrine units just as well. Since i started during Shukas event but sadly sadly sadly sadly wasnt able to get her, only shao, i dont have THAT many Event units anyways yet. Even though 6 is already a number. And with "just that" i can pretty reliabel 3 star every event map since a while. Shrine units arent needed if u have an event unit for all the roles u need. Since i joined a lot later then Karma or Claudia getting Sherry as Princess (ignoring her AW Passiv right now) alone was flat out enabeling stuff for me as example at the map where nasu uses 2 witches at the begining i just throw down my sherry instat and she kills the riders befor they can get past her. Its totaly possible to just work around this with event units though. I couldnt blame anyone though for trying his luck on a summon.