How long was it till DMM started having the 90/12 maps that have 100% drop rate of the farm unit?
I'll probably go for the map that drops Healer and Valkyrie since Dancers need those for CCing...after I get the 4 Bernards I need
How long was it till DMM started having the 90/12 maps that have 100% drop rate of the farm unit?
I'll probably go for the map that drops Healer and Valkyrie since Dancers need those for CCing...after I get the 4 Bernards I need
90/12 maps first implemented on Rorone event if i remember correctly
DMM 863497209
i need bandits to CC my Imelia :'(
Valks and Healers are welcome, and they being on the same map is even better
What do you mean by this:
"Dancers take a Valkyrie and Two Healers to evolve so remember that. Do not want to get stuck at 50/50 and not be able to assure getting a -5CR Dancer"?
Do you have to class change in in order to be able to max-CR-reduce? If so, this is something I never knew.
Some people who like being efficient tend to bring a girl up to 40ish and then throw copies at her with fairies until she hits 50. After this she is CC'd brought up to 40 again and the process continues.
The fodder units will come over time. Work on upgrading what you can with what presents itself for now.
I'm taking a similar approach to awakening too as I have to juggle what I can farm with, which orb maps I can reliably beat, gold production and DC farming. Luckily all I need to awaken Adele (whom I wanted to do fairly quickly) is 29 more DCs for the fairy. I awakened Katie last week.
Ohh, I see. I am not being this efficient. I just level everything up to 40 (since my core team is pretty fine as-is, so I just upgrade other units as the mood strikes me and try to get everything up to a point where I can push them up for CC whenever I feel like it).
Last edited by King Dong; 05-23-2016 at 05:39 PM.
The spoiler below contains my armies.
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My Army Thread!
Can I ask what everyone's opinion of Waltz is?
I know that she can be made cheap... real cheap... like 4 unit cost, but do people use her on DMM enough to warrant spending SC min-costing her?
Note also that i'm not exactly a fremium player, I've spent more on this than I care to admit... (Thanks a lot Lafate... you ass. :P)